003 | whimsical destiny

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Ash sighed as he felt regret at his interference in the pointless argument that took place a few minutes ago. He didn't know what took over him but the way the blonde regarded them as thankless and ruthless millionaires just didn't seem right to him. It almost reminded of the times when people would use to point out that his mother only married his dad for money and she was just an ungrateful being, waiting for his dad to die so that she could have all the wealth to herself. 

He clenched his fist as a memory of his middle school's so-called friends commenting about it flashed in his mind. He remembered how he had punched the boy, breaking his nose in the process. Later he had also taken the boy himself to the infirmary. Fortunately, no body knew this incident except Paul [since he was there at the moment] because the boy hadn't dared to tell anyone since he too didn't wanted to get in trouble himself. 

Ash just shook his head and turned to look at his friends who were leaning on his limo whilst talking to each other. The auburn-eyed man sighed in relief when he saw that Gary looked no longer angry. Walking over to them, Drew shot him an apologetic look. 

"Sorry, Ash. I didn't thought that something like that would happen. We rarely meet to enjoy our time together" he apologized, feeling a bit guilty for bringing them to that café. 

"Thats fine. It wasn't your fault anyways and we can always catch up at dinner sometimes. Damn, I am going to be late. I need to go" Ash quickly waved goodbye to his friends as they exchanged their goodbyes and went off in their seperate cars. It took a moment for David to bring the limo where Ash was standing. 

The rain started to come in drizzle before it took just a moment to become a hard pouring cloudburst. The grey clouds roared as lightning shook the entire place. People started rushing to take shelter under the nearby bakeries and bookstores as the deafening sound of rain hitting the ground came in sporadic moments. 

Ash sighed and looked out, his palm cupping his cheek as it rested on the window of the limo. He was already late due to the incident that took place earlier. Ash furrowed his brows. His mother would definitely be angry. Those were important people that he was going to meet. He checked the watch, with it displaying the time as 2 : 45 pm. 

He still had time. 

"David, speed up the limo" he ordered. The older man raised his brow in response and looked over to see him from the rear window. 

"But Mr Ketchum, it is raining this hard. It won't be wise to speed up the vehicle" David tried to reason while keeping his tone formal like usual. The road already had vehicles rushing by in hurry and accidents were actually common in this type of weather. Ash just scoffed, too bothered by the thought of losing one of his clients than his own safety. 

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