Alice in Wonderland Method

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This is the "Alice in Wonderland" method!

For this one, you're going to want a specific character from your desired reality.

1.) Lay down in a starfish position, no limbs touching.

2.) Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting under a tree in a forest of some sort.

3.) While you're sitting under the tree, you see your specific character running through the forest, and you get up and chase him/her.

4.) You keep chasing until he/she runs into a big hole into the ground, which you then fall in to.

5.) As you're falling down the hole, you should imagine your current reality possessions floating away from you (like your family, your bed, your bedroom, your homework, etc). Really spend a lot of time imagining these things floating away from you.

6.) Once you can't think of anything else from your current reality, imagine you reach the bottom of the hole and see your specific character.

7.) Imagine the character reaching their hand out to you, and saying, "Y/N, it's time to go."

8.) The character should lead you to a door, and when they open it, it should be shining white (so you can't see anything through it).

9.) You and your character walk through the door, into a very detailed desired reality. You should picture as many details in the desired reality as possible. 

10.) Your character walks to wherever they would be in a normal day, and you see your desired reality self sleeping wherever you want to wake up (for example, my desired reality would be sleeping on a desk while my specific character is doing their homework next to me).

11.) You should see yourself in a thirft-person view, sleeping.

12.) Now, in your head, tell yourself "I am shifting into my desired reality", and imagine yourself stepping into your desired reality you's body.

13.) Picture your souls combining into one person, and try to feel yourself in their body.

14.) At this point, you have two choices: if you are really able to feel yourself in your dream reality/dream reality you's body position, go ahead and slowly open your eyes. Otherwise, try to fall asleep as if you are in your dream reality, and you should wake up in your dream reality.

other: I don't use this method often, since my mind wanders a lot, but it's a really good way to shift if you have a very detailed imagination and are able to picture yourself from a third-person point of view!  Also, I have to stress how important it is to spend time picturing your current world possessions floating away from you. It's part of the process that's getting rid of the negativity from your current world, and it helps you shift more easily into your desired world.

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