7. A Pinch Of Salt

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7. A pinch of salt.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight;
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand,
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance;
Silver moon's sparkling,
So kiss me.

Ugh. That's what I thought it was when I found Jason was Jack's brother. Step brother. But still, brother. They shared the same surname yet the two were so bizarrely different from each other in behavior. Jason was very... what do you say? Gucci? And Jack is nothing even in the ass of Gucci.

I think it started back in October. Everyone had been out of school early shopping for weird outfits. I wanted to be at home, with no one around me because I wanted peace of mind from all the chaos. And that's when I was heading home did I find her.

She stood there and was kinda wet, making me realize that of had been drizzling and I was lucky enough to come out of school right when the sky had cleared out. Well.

"I know you'd be all smug about me asking your help, but could you please give me a ride home?", Amanda asked looking at me with unamused eyes and a frown.

I smiled. In fact I smirked. Even though I was touched and more than happy to help her out I couldn't show it. Because I was a dick who wanted to be someone he wasn't.

She tapped her foot on the floor and held herself tightly, impatiently waiting. "Is that a yes?"

"If you want it to be", I stiffled a laugh and opened the passenger seat door.

She sat in without saying a word and made herself comfortable. I grudgingly knew the seat would be wet and smell of mud and rain but right then, she was my queen and I was ready to make her feel like it. I turned the heater on higher and switched the radio on to some country station.

"I didn't know you were into Taylor Swift", she raised her eyebrow.

"I'm not. You are." was my only reply. She pursed her lips and nodded.

Amanda was never a girl to adjust to awkward silences so she always broke it when she couldn't take to much. What amused me was her randomness and her struggle to keep it on topic.

"You know where my house is?"

"No, I'm taking you to an isolated place."

"Jeez, it was just a yes or a no question."

"You had a party here a while back. I was invited." I kept monotone as I turned another left. The sky was darkening again.

"You were?!" she asked in such a surprise that I turned to look at her and scowl.

"Ouch" I said as she she grinned and let out a giggle, completely hitting it off me.

"My house is too far and you're being very nice to take me home. Thank you" she said quietly. I thought my chest was going to explode with the way it puffed up with pride and happiness. And I sought not to answer because I worried I'd scream like a girl.

"How's Amy?"

I smiled as I kept my eyes on the road. She was so cute. Trying so much to not be awkward despite the way I treat her and how we were not even close friends.

I nodded, "She wants to join Keeper's after graduating."

"Wow, Keeper's? She must be totally dedicated then?"

I let out a chuckle. Amy? Dedicated? I could even hear my fart laugh.

"No no, its just a phase. She'll probably join us."

"If you say so." She said before resting her head on the seat and closing her eyes.

From the corner of my eyes I looked at her. She was beautiful. And took the liberty to check her out, flicking my eyes from the road to her constantly.

"What do you know about Jack?" she asked suddenly, nearly making me lose handle to the car.

"Why do you wanna know?" I asked annoyed. Why did she want to know?

"He asked me out this morning. It was really cute, the way he did." She shrugged and smiled looking far off. No no. Not happening.

"He is a player. He hates blondes. He would totally hit on you but never get into a serious relationship" I babbled on.

She stared at me wide eyed before she started laughing "I didn't say yes to him, Roy".

I blinked, embarrassed. This is not cool. I set my jaw straight and rolled my eyes.

"Looking out for you. Haroldson would kill me if someone takes his babe." Okay smooth, I sort of hit two things at once.

"Firstly, I'm touched", she dramatically gestured her hands to her heart. Her chest... I cleared my mind when she continued, "Secondly. Narnia hasn't asked me out so I'm not his babe or boob or anything."

Hmm, interesting. "And if he asked, you'd say yes?"

"Maybe I'm waiting for someone else?"

"Roy, Roy, Roy my dearest old pal". Jack cooed like a faggot, shattering my flashback which had only make me distaste him more. His nerve.

I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest. "Doesn't your mommy send you to school to study? And tell you every morning to not pick fights with people he can't win with?" I smiled.

Jason looked at his brother and me like a deer caught in trees, lights, trucks and in my grip. He looked guilty and kept his hand on Jack just in case he made the first move.

"Sticking up for your brother, Jason?" I asked with bitterness, taking a step towards the wall and relaxing over it.

"Don't." Jack said, warningly.

"Or else what?" I asked challenging.

Jack smirked and took out his phone and tapped on it. And then suddenly the place where we stood heard sounds of digital sounding yelling and screaming, tearing of things, a lousy confession of I love you and my eyes and ears became alert as I recognised it.

Oh hell no.

I made a grab for it and Jack moved aside smiling mockingly as he held his phone sideways and over his head.

"Get down. You bad boy." He tsked and laughed, almost sounding like Mojo Jojo.

I gritted my teeth and my breaths altered, clenching my fists. "Delete it Jack "

"You're not the mother of me, little dog" He mused. That cheeky bastard.

"What. Do. You. Want?"

"Destroy Patrick Haroldston and you". He said simply. And I blinked at him. Did he just say what I think he did?

White tee symbols a peaceful teenager. Pretend to be one.



What is your opinion about our beloved Dylan boy here? What's all this secret all about?

B. Nick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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