In Another World

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Jungkook is a very ill boy, with only a year to live he decides to make his own little world in his notebook, with characters based on the people around him.

Real Seokjin, his doctor who visits him daily.

Fantasy Seokjin, an experienced healer who is a member of a group of adventures named Bangtan. A Beta

Real Yoongi, one of Jungkook's neighbor, met Jungkook when visiting the rooftop on his first day.

Fantasy Yoongi, member of Bangtan, can magically turn into a panther and likes to sleep. Likes to use daggers. An Alpha

Real Hoseok, a boy Jungkook meets up with in the hospital's garden, a bright smile always on his face

Fantasy Hoseok, is the main swordsman in the group, is very kind hearted and likes helping people. An Alpha

Real Namjoon, was Seokjin's intern but now a doctor himself, still goes to Seokjin for advice. Takes care of Jungkook when Seokjin cannot.

Fantasy Namjoon, leader of Bangtan and is skilled in The bow and arrow, but is still skillful in combat. An Alpha

Real Jimin, is a nurse who interns in the hospital, takes care of Jungkook's medicine and they become good friends.

Fantasy Jimin, a village runaway who has magical abilities, is actually the reason Yoongi can transform into a panther. An Alpha

Real Taehyung, Jungkook's best friend who visits Jungkook daily, shares his notes because Jungkook can't go to school.

Fantasy Taehyung, Jungkook's partner in crime, always helping the people in their village. An Alpha

When Jungkook dies he then gets reincarnated to his own fantasy world. But instead of being an Alpha he becomes an Omega.

Planning to make this three separate books.

First: In the hospital for a year because of his illness and then dies earlier than expected

Second: Reincarnated into a different world, which he made

Third: He woke up back in the hospital, he flatlined but managed to survive. But can't really look at his hyungs the same way.

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