Twin Haunters vs The kinetrix Runner

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It did not take long for the Eliminators to arrive and as soon as they did the people around there then began to look at them strangely wondering what they were.

The Eliminators then began to scan for Kinexian DNA, looking for the Kinexian they were sent her to "eliminate".

Finally Alex showed up with a blue trail of Kinetic energy.

"Kinexian detected" said one of the Eliminators before firing a beam of raw destructive energy straight for him.

Alex using his speed managed to blast causing to hit a near by building which caused the it to crack and break apart sending millions of rocks crashing down straight for the people surrounded it.

Alex run as fast as he could carrying them away to safety before the rocks could hit any of them.

He then ran back to deal with the Eliminators.

"You are a threat to the Sabioxies plans" said one of the Eliminators.

"And as such you must be eliminated" the other before the both of them began firing blasts of raw destructive energy straight for him.

The people around them began to panic as they fought.

Alex managed to dodge all their attacks and delivered a few blows to them with tremendous speed and force that sent them fly straight to the ground.

One of the Eliminators aimed his blaster straight for Alex. Alex ready himself to dodge the blast but just as the Eliminator was about to fire it redirected it's aim to a little girl that stumbled on the floor while trying to run away. It then fire it's blaster.

Alex then run to the as fast as he possibly could reaching the girl before the blast could hurt her and carrying her away.

"Thank you" said the girl.

"Your welcome" said Alex.

While Alex was distracted with the little girl he did not notice that the twin Haunters (Eliminators) had gotten up. They then fired an energy net out of their blaster.

"Look out" said the little girl trying to warn Alex about the net but if was too late, the net had already caught him before he could do any thing.

Alex trued to break free using his speed but it was no use, ever time he tried the net would send a jolt through causing him to scream in pain.

The Twin Haunters then began to approach him as they readied their blasters.

"Looks like this is the end of my race" said Alex.

"I won't say that" said a familiar voice coming from his Kinetic limiter.

"Wally is that you" asked Alex recognizing the voice.

"Who else would it be, I managed to link my computer to your Kinetic limiter" said Wally.

"Hey, alien boy" said Alanna from his Kinetic limiter.

"Oh and the arrogant and annoying life form I call my sister is here as well" said Wall.

The next thing Alex heard was Wally screaming in pain over something Alanna did to him.

"Hey you guys I need some help. I am stuck in some kind of energy net and I can't get out" said Alex.

"If you can generate a sufficient amount of kinetic energy you should be able to break through" said Wally.

"Yeah one small problem, to do that I have to turn of my Kinetic limiter and risk turning into a nuclear bomb" said Alex.

"You can do that, awesome" said Wally.

"Yeah and destroy everything around me including myself in the process" said Alex.

"That sounds bad" said Wally.

"You think!!!" said Alex.

"I got an idea" said Alanna.

"Yeah this should be good" said Wally sarcastically.

Alanna ignored him and said "what if you don't completely turn off your Kinetic limiter. That way you would be able to control your energy and generate Kinetic energy".

"Wait, that can actually work. Listen Alex power down your Kinetic limiter's Kinetic stabilizers to 50%" said Wally.

Alex then reached his Kinetic limiter and powered down his stabilizers.

"I have done it, now what" asked Alex.

"For goodness sake run" said Wally.

Alex then began to move his body generating immense kinetic energy in the process.

Once he had generated enough he sent out a wave of Kinetic energy through his body which instead destroyed the energy net.

The Eliminators then began to fire him was energy blast.

"Don't these things ever get tired" said Alex dodging all their attacks.

Alex body then began to glow blue generating too much Kinetic energy in his body.

"Alex turn on your Kinetic stabilizers, your body is generating way too much Kinetic energy" said Wally.

Alex then looked at his hands, they were now glowing blue from too much Kinetic energy, he then remembered how he stopped the first Eliminator that came to Earth.

"No, I have a plan so crazy that it is brilliant" said Alex as he began to stump his feet generate more and more energy with each step.

Alex then stopped, with he body over flowing with Kinetic energy.

The Eliminators the charged straight for him.

Alex then closed his eyes took a deep breath before he opened them once again and with a flash of blue Kinetic energy from him eyes before he fired a blue beam of raw Kinetic energy out of his arms to the Eliminators instantly destroying them.

The people then slowly came out from their hiding places, seeing the Eliminators destroyed and Alex stand next to their broken parts which where now scattered on the floor.

"Who are you" the people asked him.

"I'm the Kinetrix Runner and I am here to protect you all" said Alex before he ran away a super sonic speeds.

Chapter 15, wow. I can't believe I gone so far in this book. Thanks so much for ready. Don't know when next I will update the book but until then I bid you goodbye or good afternoon or good night or good morning

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