Act V, Scene III

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"There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights."
~ Bram Stoker, Dracula

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"He's gone," Lucy reported. "Out of our lives for good. We burned his head, and drowned his body. No trace of him remains. The sky is clear and the fog has evaporated. This day will see London's first glimpse of the sun in over a fortnight."

Relief emanated from her very cells. Lucy couldn't remember ever having felt solace to this extent; like being pulled from icy waters moments before drowning. Nothing could be more precious or delicious than that first gulp of cold, clear air.

Lucy pulled back the drapes covering Sir Wilhern's bedroom window, revealing the bright unveiled moon hanging in the sky. She smiled at the partial sphere, like it were an old friend.

Releasing the drape, she returned to her guardian's bedside, taking in the increasing improvement of his skin's color and composition. He was getting better.

"I want you to know, that I harbor no ill will toward you," Lucy told him. "I know you never intended for anyone to fall to harm, least of all your son. You loved him. I know that, just as he knew that. I will miss Arthur every day for as long as I walk this earth. And you are all I have left of him. I cannot be estranged from you. I have no desire to lose more of my loved ones."

Sir Wilhern watched her, hope shining in his eyes. He appeared to be holding his breath.

"You are forgiven," Lucy said. "I wish only to move past this, with you and I on the good and virtuous terms that we have always been. On one condition. That being: you never keep such a dire secret from me again."

Staring down at Sir Wilhern, Lucy raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips.

"Are we agreed?" she asked.

Sir Wilhern exhaled a whooshing breath. He nodded. "We are," he swore.

Lucy held out her hand for him to shake. He grasped it and pulled her toward him into a tight embrace.

"I am so proud of you, Lucy, my dear," he told her, his voice breaking. "So very proud. Your courage, your resolve...traits to be envied. You are the daughter I never had. And I love you. I hope you know that."

"I do," Lucy assured him. "And I love you, as well."

She kissed him on each cheek.

"I will regale you with the heroic tales of our adventures aboard The Prometheus later on," she promised. "But now, I have a date."

"At half past six in the morning?" Sir Wilhern inquired. "Oh, how very curious."

"I am a vampire," Lucy said, pride in her voice. "What is morning to you, is evening to me. And someone very dear to my heart has been waiting long enough."

She gave Sir Wilhern a coy smile, and he laughed, shooing her from the room.

"Give my best to the good doctor!" he called after her.

Skipping down the staircase with a childlike exuberance, Lucy made her way to the kitchen. Walking through the high arched doorway, she found Virgil and Evelyne joined at the mouth in the passionate throes of a... Well, some might call it a "kiss." To Lucy, it looked like they were trying to swallow each other's tongues.

She delicately cleared her throat.

"Will you be finished soon?" she asked in polite tones. "Or is your plan to commit a lovers' double suicide by asphyxiation? It's your choice, of course, but I prefer you both alive."

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