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Once again, I had opted for a dick appointment on a lovely Sunday afternoon. Not that any other things have my interest. If you ask me, there's nothing I'd rather do. In the man's home office, both of us naked as the day we were brought into this world, my life's stress free. The only potential concern was the FBI agent watching us from Ki's PC camera. That, and if books are alive, then the thousands of pieces sitting on his shelves with wide eyes and open mouths.

It started off pretty casual, as if we've been doing this for years. And still, it's as good as it feels if not better than the first time. I drove to his house at one o'clock. By then the man had already woken up, had used two death sticks, taken a shower, and eaten a footlong chicken sandwich. None of us mentioned the study, yet synched, we automatically took the route. As soon as the door closed, my shirt was ripped off. Seconds later, his mouth was on me. No, not on my lips. My other lips, rather. One can say that I'm living the life. I have my days, I guess.

I gripped the armrests of his office chair. It's either that or the edge of the desk. Low grunts slipped into my ears, encouraging me to continue despite the strain on my legs. So I did. Up, down, up, and down—a simple pattern that gives complex sensations. For the nth time within the hour, I held my hair up. The sweat on my back was making the brown locks stick, though annoying as it was, the little hassle's not worth stopping for.

Keenan's mouth found my neck, sucking at skin. Then, just as he bit my shoulder, I was hauled to my feet, pelvis against the wooden edge of the table before us. My arms which were on my sides in the prior second were locked behind me, folded against my lower back. The moment was thick with lust, obviously, and in cases like this, no distractions can kill the buzz. Nope, not even my phone going off to inform an incoming call.

I opened my eyes and peered down at the glowing screen with a three-letter name flashing beside heart emojis: Mom.

You forget a lot of things when you're copulating. They can be... oh, I don't know... the formula for the area of a parallelogram, the color fuchsia, the function of the mitochondria, or the fact that you promised to call your mother on Sunday.

I was about to pull my arms from his grasp, reach for the phone and push decline. Keenan Travino being the flavorful Keenan Travino, however, had other plans. "Don't stop," he mumbled against my cheek before kissing it. Then, he pushed the round green button, the speaker icon, then fell on the chair again, bringing me with him. Needless to say, I was fucked in more ways than one.

Lauren Alexie's voice was the first non-sexual sound I heard after minutes of gorilla grip coochie utilization, "Hey, honey!" she chirped, "I was waiting for you to call, but you must've forgotten."

Keenan stopped thrusting and instead held me down by two large hands on my hips. Then, he ground me forward and back. I made a mental note to slap his goddamn balls if I survive. "Yeah, I'm sorry," I told my mother, "I just had errands to run."

Glancing behind me to see a gorgeous man with his head back, lips parted, and eyes tired, I concluded that he's unreal. Don't these things only happen in books? in movies? in porno? Fuck, maybe Keenan's secretly a pornstar. Maybe I've been searching his name up on the wrong engines. I haven't been on those sites since the peak of sexual teen curiosity, after all. Is that why he doesn't go out anymore?

I didn't stop moving. Not because he told me not to stop but because I didn't want to. I don't think anyone would be able to understand how fucking good it feels to have Keenan Travino inside of them. Unless you're an ex or something.

"How's the job, Gigi?" she asked and I could hear the sports channel in the background.

Gripping the armrests again, I lifted myself up only to fall on Ki's lap again, using extra strength to guide my movement, preventing any kind of noise. "It's pretty good," I told Mom, "I-I have a big project," well, big for me since I'm new.

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