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I'm not even horny anymore. I just want to cuddle with someone's son and annoy him 'til he retreats to another room, follow, and annoy him some more.

But oh no, that's not how things work, do they? We must do the unnecessary. We must do the most, we must be extra, and we must involve other people. Exhibit A: Dominic Jensen who passed the office and sent me a knowing look. He was in a crowd of five: two men and two women trailing behind him, all looking superior in their crisp formal work clothes. I can't imagine Keenan with people like them.

I hung my head, resuming work. The story between my hands has potential. Twenty pages into the novel and I've only picked up my red pen thrice. I haven't lost interest and the characters are being introduced in the right times.

It's finally Thursday. I'd been dreading its coming. Like last week, I've been distancing myself. I haven't interacted with Keenan since the last time I saw him and he wasn't even awake then. Monday was as boring as Mondays could get. Tuesday robbed me of money due to things called rent and groceries which, despite me picking up the absolute necessities only at the cheapest prices, still took a toll. Good thing I had already bought the plane ticket.

I parked Lemon in the usual, the space near the second elevator. It's a great spot and I believe that I don't have competition for it because other cars don't fit. Lemon is skinny. I greeted the receptionist with the same good morning I give each day. I arrived at the office with Nolo and Vince bickering. The day's normal but my feelings were foreign. I'm a breath hold away from dying.

"Are you sure you're okay, babe?" Courtney's voice sounded from my right. Flinching and looking up, she stood with a hand on my desk, leaning, "You keep zoning out."

I massaged my temples, "I'm fine. Just hungry."

Her already concerned face turned more concerned. The motherly instincts kicked in, "Wanna grab something from the snack room? It's not healthy running on an empty stomach."

I shook my head, "No, I'll wait until lunch."

She looked reluctant, "Okay," she crossed her arms, "if you say so. But I'm gonna make sure you eat double later." she beamed.

I smiled back, appreciating the messages a smile can give for situations where you don't know what else to say. Continuing where I left off, I began reading the second chapter. Though I was zoning out more due to worry for later's event, what I told Courtney was not a complete lie. I skipped breakfast and I did not have dinner last night, thus, my stomach turning into a fucking vibrator. So even though I said I'd wait for lunchtime, the pain's become unbearable—my guts seeming to crumple below my ribs while they burn.

Sighing, I put my pen down and stood. No one minded when I made my way out of the office and down the hallway, stopping in front of the snackroom and entering.

The first that caught my eyes were the churros in a glass container with cinnamon, sugar, and syrups lined in front. Keenan wasn't kidding, the little fuckers truly are good. Contented's churros are made of magic. Without another thought, I made my way to the table, jumping slightly when the door closed. I didn't even hear it open.

I turned quickly. I was expecting a stranger—an employee out of many who I have yet to meet, but instead the person was not an average employee at all. In fact, she might as well be the owner.

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