Day 1

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I woke up rather rudely to the feeling of the bed sliding out from under me. I sat up abruptly to see my cousin Kate and her boyfriend Dalton pulling the mattress out from under me. 

"Dudes what the hell I'm up?" 

I began yelling at them and climbed of the bed. This has become a daily occurrence this week. Dalton has been here from college this week and the two of them together can't help but annoy me. They left the room and I began my daily routine of getting dressed and being sure to put on my makeup. Today is interview day. I finished my associates degree last week and have been putting in applications everywhere but this is the one I've been looking forward to most. I finished getting ready and joined the obnoxious couple in the kitchen. 

"Why so dressed up?" Dalton inquired.

He can be very oblivious to the things going on so he had no idea how important this interview was for me. I was in the process of making breakfast and before I could reply Kate jumped in and explained for me. 

"She has an interview for a nanny job that she's gonna rock and get the job and after she gets the job were going to the bar to celebrate and drinks are on her."

"I wouldn't put it that way. If I manage to get the job thats a great thing but that doesn't mean we need to celebrate and I'm certainly not supplying drinks. But I don't want to get my hopes up and not get the job."

We talked a little more about the things we needed to accomplish today while I finished eating and then I was on my way. Thankfully the couple I applied for lives down the road from us so I had nothing to worry about with traffic. If I had learned anything about first impressions, its to make a good one in every way possible. So I made sure to arrive to their house 10 minutes early. 

I had never met the couple before so I had no idea what to expect but this was certainly not it. The house was brown with a black trim and surprisingly big but there was nothing compared to the yard. There was plenty of room for the kids to play and there was a fence to keep unwanted people out which I really liked. The less room for error the better because I really need this job and the last thing I need is something to happen. That's if I even get the job. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Shortly the door swung open revealing 3 children. The tallest being the boy who also looks to be the oldest and 2 younger girls standing on either side of him. They looked to be twins but none of the children seemed to be old. They appeared to be 2 or 3. 

"Kids, you know you're not allowed to open the door unless your father or I are with you." A woman's voice came from around the corner before the door opened more. There was a women probably in her 30's in what appears to be a flight attendant uniform. 

"Ah you must be Sierra. I'm Rachel and this is Tony, Ruby, and Alice. Come in please!" The children walked away providing room for me to enter. I followed Rachel to the kitchen. The house was bigger on the inside.

"You have a beautiful home." I tried to make conversation to lessen the awkwardness in the room. 

"Thank you, Rae and I have spent a lot of time to get it to look like this. So before we get into the interview I just wanted to let you know your responsibilities. Rae works from home some days but he doesn't stray from his office. His detective work keeps him very busy and it is important you do not interrupt him unless you need to. There will be days you work late and only then can you stay in the guest room but that is the only time you will be staying overnight and we will let you know in advance. The children have a routine which is posted here on the fridge. Aside from caring for the kids you will also be responsible for some cleaning and on Fridays there is to be a list made that way Rae can stop and pick up groceries. So far everything okay?" 

There was definitely a lot of things that I did not expect but I just nodded my head in agreement. 

"How old are you honey and where do you stand in school? I did see on your resume you attended college correct?"

"Yes, I just finished my associates but I'm taking a break for a little just to breathe before I go back into it but I am 21 and I plan on becoming a pediatric nurse."

She smiled and continued with her questions. 

"What makes you want to work with children?"

"Honestly I don't know" I laughed "I've always been good with children and I like seeing them grow. They are different and it is important for me to help them in any way I can." 

"I like that. I travel for work so the children need a motherly role when I am not here and they can be testy so it is important you keep them in place. Can you do that?"

"Of course."

"I like you. I just want to go over a few more details and we'll go see how you do around the children."

We continued to talk rules, pay, and schedules to make sure we were all on the same page. Everything is going so smoothly so I'm trying to be as positive as I can be. We then went to see the children so she could see how I interact with them. The children bonded with me almost instantly. Ruby and Alice kept showing me all their dolls and Tony would play the dinosaur who took the town down. An hour passed and Rachel alerted that she had to leave and wanted to make sure the kids would not test me. I told them all to clean up their toys and they at first just looked at me until I said they needed to clean up so they could wash hands and go potty before lunch time. They put all their toys away and sat down at the kitchen table.

"I think you'll be great with them. Here is your key just make sure you're here by 8am. Rae will take care of them the rest of the day but from tomorrow on they're your responsibility. I will not be here to see you in tomorrow to make sure to lock the door behind you. These are my babies so take good care of them. I'll see you next week." She followed me out the door. 

"Thank you so much for the opportunity." I got into the car and began my drive home.

I had no idea that was going to go as well as it did but I could not be happier. I pulled into the apartment complex and rushed up the stairs to tell Kate all about it. We were both beyond happy and got dressed to go to the bar just like she predicted. She knows me a little too well. After the day I had, I could not wait to celebrate. 

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