Act 1

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Sorry if something doesn't make sense, This is my first time writing a book without the help from an Ai game haha


~~Skeppy's POV~~

Right now, I'm streaming hardcore Minecraft with my best friend Bad.

We're in a desert biome getting sand to make into glass for our house.

I was digging same sand when suddenly, the ground fell out from underneath me.

I panicked and scrolled my mouse wheel as fast as I could.

I got to the water bucket to try and break my fall.

The sand started to stop, so I braced myself, Aaaaand, I right clicked just in time doing, an MLG water bucket move to break my fall.

"Yeess, oh my God that was so close!" I shouted really loudly, scaring Bad.

Aah you muffin, you scared me! Wait what happened? Skeppy are you okay?" Bad asked with worry and concern in his voice.

Oh, Im okay, I just fell in a hidden ravine under the sand. I say, reassuring him.

Oh ok. Well, as long as you're okay and not dead.

We continued to play for awhile, until Bad had finally had enough sand and said, "Alright lets go home."

So we did.

°○°Time skip to when they got home°○°

When we arrived at our house, It was pretty much exactly like how I remembered it.

It wasn't fancy or anything, But it looked pretty nice. As we were about to enter the door, I heard a loud noise. Like an explosion. Something exploded in the sky above us.

I immediately said "Aaah! A creeper!" And looked at the roof. "Wait? What was that?" Bad asked with panic.

"It was a creeper," I say like its obvious, Then gesture up to the roof. "Oh, Those little muffins!" Bad yells and rushes into the house.

The funny thing is, Bad is scared of creepers. Like legitimately scared. I've never seen him act like this towards anything.

"Aaaaaahhh!" I heard Bad scream. I rush into the house and see flames rising from the roof It looked pretty bad.

"Hang on, I'll try to put it out!" Bad says and runs out the front door with his water bucket.

"I hate those things!" I watch as the flames run high, But there seems to be no hope for the roof.

It turns out it wasn't a creeper, It was a lightning strike.

we tried to putting out the fire but it was too late, The roof was gone.

Walp do you want to fix it or move, I say calmly with not a hint of worry in my voice.

No no we can fix it we dont need to move Again Bad said with a nerves giggle at the end.

Okay Ill go get some supplies to fix the roof, I say as I head off to get supplies.

I get supplies and we started to fix the house.

After a couple of hours, We had to fix our house, We actually made it batter than before.

The house had two new stories on it, Which was really cool.

It was starting to get late, so bad and I were getting tired.

Bad yawned before saying tiredly, It's getting late. I should hop off and go to bed.

Noo dont go! Its not that late- I cut my whining for Bad not to go off with a yawn, even though I tried to keep it in.

I giggle as I realize the yawn gave it away.

Skeppy Im not going anywhere. Ill still be here tomorrow.

Mmm fine Ill go to bed. Good night, Bad.

Good night Skeppy.

And with that, Bad was gone. But it wasnt forever - I'd speak to him in the morning.



Sorry the first chapter is so short, I don't know how to write them playing Minecraft.

If you did get this fur then thank you, You deserve a muffin

653 word...

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