Chapter 2

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The next morning Lone Wolf opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, got out of bed, and walked outside. He heard something in the barn, so he walked towards it and saw Billy and Henry saddling their horses.

"Where are you going?" asked Lone Wolf.

"Into town to get supplies," said Henry.

"Can I come?" asked Lone Wolf.

"No, I know you too well, you stay here with the guys, your wound still needs time to heal, try to get your bow and pull back on it, on the strig so your shoulder won't get stove up and then you won't be able to use that arm anymore," said Henry.

"Alright," said Lone Wolf.

So they got on their horses and rode to town to get supplies. They tied their horses to a post and went into the store. Sheriff Jason saw Billy and Henry's horses outside of the general store, so he walked out of the jailhouse and across the street.

"Henry how is Lone Wolf doing?" asked Sheriff Jason.

"He's doing well," said Henry.

"That's good, Steve is still in jail until he says he is going to serve every Indian that comes through this town," said Sheriff Jason.

"Thanks, Jason, thank you," said Henry with a smile.

"You are welcome," said Jason.

So Henry and Billy got the supplies they needed from the store and rode back to Frankie's house. When they arrived they saw Lone Wolf out in the yard pulling back on his bow, he was shaking and sweating. Henry and Billy walked inside and put the supplies on the table.

"So how was the town?" asked Frankie.

"Busy, we talked to Sheriff Jason he said Steve is going to be in jail for a while," said Henry.

"That is good, maybe it will teach him a thing or two about people," said Frankie.

"I hope so," said Billy.

Lone Wolf started to walk in.

"Well Frankie what's for dinner?" asked Billy.

"Whatever you guys want today," said Frankie.

"How about some meat, biscuits and gravy and some beans to go with it," said Bob.

"Coming right up," said Frankie.

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