Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story, so please be kind >_< Also, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes. Before you read, please read my short explanation of this story.

· There are three genders in this story; male, female, and carrier. So a carrier is basically a man that can get pregnant. And they're always the woman in the relationship.

· I know that Ashton is basically underage, and the relationship between him and his husband is considered statutory rape in the real world. But in this story, it's okay for a male to marry a carrier in young age. The sex part though can't be done until the carrier is at least 16 years old.

I may add another explanation in the next chapter. But for now this is enough. So please vote and comment J I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it!

Cutie Ashton -->

"You don't have to drop me off right in front of the school's gate," I say quietly. To no avail, he keeps driving towards the school's entrance like he doesn't hear me. Like my words are not important. As usual. After living with him for four months, I should have known that men like him do not care about what people like me want. People who are far below his level.

"Stop the car. I'd walk from here," seeing that giving a polite suggestion doesn't work, I try to be more firm, after all, I don't want to be bossed around for the rest of my life. But it seems that my action gives the opposite result. Although his expression stays blank and unreadable, the small twitch in the corner of his mouth and the fact that he drives even faster towards the school's building show me how he's become annoyed with me telling him what to do.

Tired of being ignored, I shut my mouth and let him do what he wants. I've accepted the fact now that I'll never get what I want when it comes to this man. He stops the car once we've reached the school's gate, where everyone stares and starts to whisper to each other when they see us. I don't blame them though. I, too, would stare and drop my jaw if I see a flashy sports car that screams power and wealth in the school's parking lot in the middle-class neighborhood.

"I won't be able to get you after school," his cold voice sometimes still makes me jump in shock since he doesn't speak to me a lot. Once I've recovered from the shock that he actually talks to me, my brain starts to register his words. He won't get me from school, it means more time for me to hang out with my friends and act like normal teenager for once. Yay, this might be a good day for me after all.

It seems like my happiness is shown on my face though, for the next words that come from his mouth erase my excitement as fast as it comes. "I'll send one of my men to come and get you. You go home straight after school."

Funny, how fast my mood changes just because of a few words come from him. From being so happy that I want to scream 'HALLELUJAH' at the top of my lungs to get so angry that I want to set his car on fire. But as usual though, there's nothing that I can do about it.

Angry and fed up with the feeling of being powerless, I grab my backpack and get out of the car. After slamming the car's door with unnecessary force (which I'll probably regret later on), I stomp angrily into the school's building. Other students are still watching me and even pointing fingers to me and that stupid flashy car as I walk furiously. This is why I hate it when he drops me off to school. People will watch and talk, and I hate being the center of attention. Ugh. Even after four months, they still gossip about me and him, and him dropping me off to school in his stupid car will only add fuel to the fires. I've begged him many times to let me take the bus instead. But of course he doesn't care about what I actually want and keeps driving me to school every day.

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