The Music Freaks: Under The Stars

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Shout-out to: honeyglazegacha
And JelloFrenchFry

Nighttime had taken over the sky above the world. The cool, spring breeze lingered through the leaves of the trees. A few of them broke loose in the wind and fell onto the lush, green grass below.

Many people had already fallen asleep, wanting to get an early head start for the next day. Occasionally, a car would pass by, carrying in its interior an exhausted driver, tired from the day's work. Some people were awake, either going on evening strolls or looking up at the nighttime sky.

A young male, the age of 19, laid on the grey, concrete tile roof of his home. The wind blew through his grey hair that faded into an ombre purple. His misty, lavender eyes stared at the sky. The pale, full moon shined in the distance, surrounded by bright, shimmering stars. He placed his hands on his lap, folding them together. The boy sighed. His eyes lowered to the ground beneath him. He held his folded hands to his chest, on top of his heart. It beat softly in the rhythm of a drum.

Drums. That instrument would always hold a special place in his heart. It was the instrument that his special one played. Ever since they were kids, he would always be at the drum set, playing his heart out. He seemed to love the instrument so much, and a few years later, for Christmas, he and his stepsister bought him a drum set he could call his own.

His attention returned to the nighttime sky. He could see the flashing lights of a plane flying through the sea of purple, cutting through faintly visible clouds. "Why is it no matter how old you get, the stars will always look beautiful?" He muttered, compressing his hands tightly.

"Don't know, Zander. Maybe it's something we'll never find out..." A male voice answered. Zander turned around, seeing another boy, 19 as well, with chestnut brown hair that faded into a creamy orange climb out of the window and settled himself next to the pianist. His golden, yellow eyes seemed to glow in the nighttime like an owl. A smile was on his face.

Zander felt a smile appear on his lips. "Luke..." He shifted himself closer to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, buried his face into his neck, on top of the scarf he'd always wear.

A gentle laugh left the brunette as he draped an arm over Zander's waist. "You miss me already," He asked, chuckling. "I went to the bathroom for 5 minutes, and you act like it's the end of the world."

Zander scoffed, tightening his grip. His face remained hidden in Luke's neck. "I would say that every minute without you is painful, but it would ruin the mood cause of how corny it sounds."

Luke smiled, brushing Zander's hair with his fingers. "Hey, I think it's sweet that you care for me so much." He whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead. He caught a whiff of lavender-scented shampoo spread evenly throughout Zander's hair. This made his smile grow. "Zander..." He lifted his head by his chin. Their noses touched, lips a few centimeters from the other.

"Luke..." Zander murmured, exhaling a quivery breath after.

Slowly, The distance between their heads closed as they connected their lips in a gentle, but passionate kiss. Luke wrapped his arms around Zander's waist while Zander kept his steady on Luke's neck, tugging on loose clumps of his orange-brown hair.

Even though this wasn't their first kiss, every time their lips met would set off sparks of joy inside of them. For a long time, both of them were deeply in love with each other but scared to tell the other how they felt for fear of it ruining their friendship. Until one day, Luke finally told Zander how he felt, and to his shock, Zander felt the same way. Ever since then, they've spent every moment they had kissing, cuddling, or simply enjoying the presence of one another, making up for the lost time that was caused by their procrastination. That day was 3 years ago, but it felt like only yesterday they confessed their love for each other.

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