Chapter 12

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When Song Yuan woke up, it was still five minutes before seven, and the alarm clock hadn’t gone off yet.

She sat on the bed, half-conscious. The dream was too intoxicating, and its effects hadn’t worn off even now, leaving her immersed in the dream. She strained to get a good glimpse of the man’s face, but she couldn’t see it clearly. She forgot many details upon waking up, but that sentence of never letting her down still echoed in her ears like a chant.

Why did she have such a strange dream, ne? The important point was that she was unable to help thinking about many things. Such as what Gugu said.

For now, she didn’t dare to think too deeply. There were too many things that couldn’t be explained.

Although she felt that the Mother Empress from Gugu’s mouth was quite likely not her, there were still many points of suspicion. If it weren’t for the real-life child in her home, with her character, she absolutely would want to play dead.

Today she would bring Rong Ting to take the maternity test. Song Yuan’s heart was truly in a state of unrest.

On the one hand, if Rong Ting wasn’t her child, then where could she go to find his family, ah? Wouldn’t this child be very disappointed, ah?

On the other hand, if Rong Ting really was her son, then what should she do?

And that dream…

The ringing of the alarm clock finally woke Song Yuan up, and her consciousness gradually returned. She felt as though she’d have a nervous breakdown one of these days. Before, when she’d had a dream about going out with one of her idols, she hadn’t been so up in the clouds, ah. It was definitely Rong Ting’s influence.

This kid called her Mother Empress every day and would make use of every opportunity1 to mention his Father Emperor. Although he didn’t have strong persuasive skills2, she still felt a lot of pressure. She constantly felt that this child was lobbying her, wanting to bring her back to the ancient times that had no cell phone, no computer, no Internet, no pads3, and no beverages4.

Song Yuan suddenly remembered something that happened in college. At the time, the topic of reincarnations was very popular, and it was said that if you shut your eyes and listened to music, you would slowly start to see your past life. She was timid, and when she saw everywhere on the Internet not to rashly attempt it, she didn’t try it, but the other three girls in her dorm had. One said that she had been Consort Zhen5 in her past life, one said that she was a concubine6, and another said that she was Consort Zhen…

She thought there could only be one Consort Zhen, ah?

Later, when the females in the class discussed amongst themselves, there were even two Consort Dong’e’s7.

After hearing about so many reincarnations of Consort Zhen and Consort Dong’e, Song Yuan, who had originally somewhat believed in the idea of reincarnations, immediately lost interest…

In the end, the class monitor mocked them for being too fond of reading brain-dead novels, for each and every one of them fantasizing that they were the consort who monopolized the emperor’s love8.

Song Yuan turned off the alarm clock and temporarily tossed that dream into a recycle bin.

She got out of bed. Rong Ting had already dressed and finished his morning routine, and was sitting upright on the sofa, holding the graphic novel of The Art of War with both hands.

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