Chapter 47

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Sometimes Song Yuan felt as though she was overwhelmed, and sometimes she was extremely calm. Like right now–her hands were shaking, and her soul was shaking, but when Rong Ting came in and asked her what had happened, she calmed down in a moment and smiled as though there was nothing wrong. “The electric toothbrush might be broken. I’ll change it later. Gugu, I signed you up for a class nearby. I’ll come over after lunch. Do you remember?”

Rong Ting made a noise of confirmation. “Remember. There are two classes in the afternoon, taekwondo and English.”

Although they hadn’t moved here very long ago, Song Yuan didn’t dare to delay the child’s education and signed Rong Ting up for a taekwondo class and an English class at a nearby academy. Kindergarteners could speak English so well nowadays; Gugu had already lost at the starting line and couldn’t continue to fall behind.

“Both classes are over an hour long; Mom doesn’t need to stay with you the entire time. I asked the teacher–other parents drop off their kids and come pick them up after class.”

“Empress Mother,” Rong Ting frowned at her, “You mentioned this last night. Why emphasize it again today?”

Song Yuan’s heart thumped, but she outwardly pretended she was fine. “Ah, I forgot. I haven’t been resting well recently, and my memory’s gone bad.”

“Then Empress Mother should focus on resting. You do not need to wait for me there. Wait until I call you after class, and you can pick me up then. There is no need for worry; I will not speak to or leave with strangers.”

The morning passed quickly. Song Yuan hadn’t hired an auntie yet, so she just made stewed ribs with rice in the rice cooker. Fortunately, Rong Ting wasn’t very picky.

After eating and resting for a bit, the mother-son pair headed out. The academy wasn’t far from the community; it was only a ten minute walk.

Song Yuan waited until Rong Ting entered the classroom before she left. She practically flew back home. She shut the door and sat on the sofa. Taking a deep breath, and sent her parents a text message: “SOS! Emergency situation1!”

When something like this happened, the first people she thought of were her mom and dad.

She felt that, so long as she had her parents by her side she felt at ease. Even if the sky were falling, she wouldn’t be so panicked.

She didn’t know if her parents were busy; she could only send the message first. Then, Song Yuan held her breath, staring at the wallpaper behind the TV in a daze.

Soon after, Song Haiping called. There was some noise, but it quickly quieted down. “Yuanyuan, what’s wrong? No money?”

Song Yuan had nearly been scared to death; she’d restrained herself the entire day. At this moment, upon hearing her father’s voice, she finally unleashed her emotions. “Dad! You remember that Mr. Xie? Did you know?! He, he’s actually Rong Ting’s dad!”

It was an earth-shattering bolt from the blue.

Song Haiping thought he was hallucinating. “What, what did you say?”

His local dialect came out2.

“Dad, what should I do? I can’t believe it’s true. When Rong Ting saw him a few days ago, he said that he was his Emperor Father. I don’t know how to explain it, I don’t know what came over me, but I actually agreed with him taking a paternity test. And the results show they have a father and son relationship! How is that possible! What should I do?!”

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