The cricket game.

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"You know I understand why you like that Henry kid

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"You know I understand why you like that Henry kid." Will said sitting next to Ella, who was sitting crossed legged on her hospital bed.

"Really? You spoke to him?" Ella said

Will nodded, "Yeah he wanted to know what you were like back in our world."

"What did you say?" Ella said nervously

"That you are the bravest person that I've ever met." Will said with a smile.

Ella smiled back going to say something before Will cut in saying, "You know I think we should stay, we could move into the cabin and run the bar."

"I was thinking the same thing." Ella smiled, she was going to continue talking when Henry ran in the room saying

"Will you be able to come to the party tonight?" He asked sitting on the end of the bed

"I don't know when I can be discharged Henry so I'm not sure." Ella said smiling at the boy

"Actually you can be released in a few minutes," Ella and Henry heard.

They turned towards the door to see Regina standing there.

"Henry could you go outside a minute?" Ella asked Henry who immediately nodded and walked out the door.

"I should tear you apart!" Ella said rolling up her left sleeve.

"I spoke to Whale and he said you could go in a few minutes they just kept you to make sure that there wasn't anything else wrong." Regina said staring at Ella's arm, "I'm sorry Ella, I really am."

"Sorry isn't good enough, you're killing my sister make it stop or-"

Will got cut of by Ella saying ,"Will! she can't stop it and I can't stop it because I can't get there."

"Where?" Regina asked

"None of your business." Ella sharply replied, "... Regina the party tonight you helped us not be obliterated at the well, do you want to come?"

"As much as I hate you and want to kill you on the spot, you tried to help, if anyone has an issue they'll deal with us." Will said

Regina looked between the two people who were looking at her waiting for an answer, After what seemed like forever, Regina nodded and said, "I might just do that."

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now