Ch.2 Shine Bright..:)

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So Shine Bright Tonight You and I

were Beautiful like Diamonds in the sky..

That song made me a bit happier since its one of my favorites but with the lads screaming it on the top of their lungs didnt make it better.

"SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND!" Louis' head flew back and a high voice rang throughout the car uprubtly causing us to sing, oh who am I kidding, scream noisily with the song while laughing our heads off.

"Shut up!" Zayn grumbled while rubbing his temples with a headache from the constant off pitch shrieking.

"Oh yeah he didn't get his beauty sleep" Harry teased and Zayn shot him a look.

"So what's the plan?" I asked quickly hoping that Kylie was okay and mentally trying to make up what I was going to do.

"Don't worry we got you" Liam attempted at acting cool but I laughed at his failure.

"Wait here" I cautioned them as I snuck out the car and climbed up successfullly to the window (I've done it many if times, lots of it were fails) peeking my worried piercing blue eyes around the room and I saw cheeky smiles and thumbs up on the boys when I glanced over at them.

~~~~~~~~~~ *Kylies POV*

I greatly attempted to do my homework but ended up passing out on the bed with a pile of papers at the end of it. I was startled by the sound of persistent knocking and jumped for something to grab thinking a mass murderer was trying to break in.

I randomly grabbed one of my book but ended up dropping it and hitting my arm with what I noticed in the window instead.

"NIALL!" I cried with joy as I immediately saw a bright smile on his face and his eyes lit up with happiness. I literally lunged for the window forgetting about my bruised arm and opened it letting the Irish boy in.

"Kylie" he murmured with tears in his eyes as he grabbed me tightly for a Horan hug and I settled on the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth and indescribable feeling that I missed when I'm with him.

"I missed you" I sobbed and I know its a bit dramatic but Its felt like forever since I've seen him.

We both looked at each other for a while but I quickly looked down and blushed shyly couldnt handling the intensity in his sparkling blue eyes.

Niall touched his hand on my chin and my breath shortened when the air got tighter and our lips touched.

He never left his arms around me and my body tensed in his protection.

I noticed his eyes widening in realization and I looked at him with surprise "What?" I asked.

"Why didn't you call me Kylie! I was worried sick about you" He protested and my face scrunched up with fear and I shushed him.

"It's your Dad isn't it?" He said his emotions turning into anger and fear grew by the second.

"Shhhh!! My dads going to hear us!" I whispered sharply and tried to calm him down but hw wouldn't budge.

"So?!" Niall yelled and pain shot throughout me when I heard footsteps growing louder as it reached the door.

"Quick let's get out!" I pushed him to the window but it was too late. I froze in nervousness as my Dad bathed in the room.

"WHAT IS HE DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" he roared and pointed at Niall and I hinted the redness in his cheeks of anger. I put a hand over him to try to calm him down but I've never seen him like this before but I knew it won't end well.

"I'M WITH MY LOVE KYLIE BECAUSE SINCE YOU BANNED HER FROM ME I HAD NO CHOICE!" he roared back and my eyes widened. This can't be happening.

"Boy, you are getting on my last nerve! I know what kind of guy you are and I never want to see you with her again!" He restrained himself from losing it but his voice was harsh and made my teeth grit together.

"Niall don't!" I shouted saw the rage in his eyes and his fists tight into balls, his chest heaving.

"And what guy may that be? and you can't keep me away from her! As much as you ban her the more shell run away!" He spoke the truth and when he got up to his face I sunk my shaky hands on his arms and pleaded to stop.

"Out! Get out!" My dad roughly pushed him against the door with a loud thud and his eyes cringed and a small groan escaped his lips. Tears flew down my cheek and I covered my eyes cause I couldn't bear the pain. It was like watching an innocent puppy getting beaten. But then again I had to do something about it as anger bubbled up inside of me and with my greatest force I tugged at my Dad and pryed them apart , both of them looking bloody mad.

"Go.Now." I said in a stern voice and he nodded without disagreeing and looked at me with a confident look as he rushed to the boys car.

"DAD HOW COULD YOU!" my voice was shaky and I tried to hold back tears.

"But-" his voice softened but I cut him off with annoyance.

"Why can't you accept the fact that we are in love!" I looked at him with hurt in my eyes.

"I just thought that you will always be my baby" I saw a hint of tears in his eyes and I felt bad but I couldn't forgive him after all he's done.

"Goodbye Dad" I choked and turned away and ran out the door couldn't dare to look at my Dads shocked face.

"Oh My God Kylie Come here!" the boys chorused as we got in for a hug trying to take in all that's happened.

"It's all right" Liam comforted me and shot me a sad puppy dog face.

"Where's Niall?" I sniffled as my head scanned the car to find him.

"Here" I heard a groan and my eyes met to a hurt Niall and I felt like someone punched me in the gut.

"Are you all right?" I sat next to him and noticed his hand over his head.

"My head is pounding" he cringed in pain as I looked over to see the condition of his head. It was bruised but luckily it wasn't bleeding.

"Aww poor baby" Harry tried to cheer him up and I couldn't help but think about how Niall defended me like that. If only my Dad could realize that..

"I never want to see my Dad again!" I yelped with anger as I tried to look away from Niall or else I'm going to burst.

"Don't say that Kyles" Zayn turned to me and took my hand wiping a stray tear from my face,"He only wants what's best" he said.

"But Niall isn't bad! You guys know that he would never do anything to hurt me!" I cried and it went silent.

"Where are we going?" Louis interrupted the silence.

"Home to get takeaway before this kid dies of hunger" Harry jokes and laughs spread around the room.

I have no idea what's going to happen but only if I have Nialler its going to be alright..

A/N K guys 1 more Chapter Comment what u want to happen next! like and vote lovlies!! Im a Wattpad noob so be sure to share as I said for the millionth time..ok I have to go! btw go check out Lissas Xmas one shots! she did an amazing one with me! I luv her man lol go if u love 1D!

-Angie out xx Goal: Next chapter 25 more reads?

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