Competition in Lumiouse

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Alright everyone a little announcement

There is a little voting at the end of this chapter for the foundation of the next one's. So please make sure to give out your opinion on what would you like and a little spoiler what might happen in the future chapter's


Outside Kalos High (With Ash, Gary, Serena, Dawn, Calem, Paul, Drew, Brendan, Miette & Ursula)

"I am psyched to see what the city has in store for us" said Ash excitedly as they waited for Lillie and May to join with them.

"But you have been in Lumiouse city for almost above a month now, so you must have somewhat seen the city" said Dawn to which Ash just sheepishly scratched the back of his head

"Yeah, you're right but he was kind of obsessed with the practice & studies that he never even bothered to get outside of the school" said Gary with a smirk to which others were shocked at the raven haired boy who was just glaring daggers at Gary.

"Yeah, unlike you I have two games to prepare and strategize for, if you forget that" replied Ash in a mocking tone and just then they were interrupted

"Hey everyone, we are set to go and sorry for the delay we were just stuck with the cheer leading squad." Said May as she moved towards them along with Lillie

"It's okay, now we must keep going" said Serena to which everyone nodded and walked towards the city

"So, Serena you're the guide for today. Tell us what are the plans?" asked Ash as he walked beside her

"First, we are going towards the Lumiouse city mall where there is a great bakery & we all can have some snacks & refreshment and after that is a surprise" said Serena with a smile

"Okay, I am already hungry so that's good idea" said Ash while Gary laughed

"You're always hungry" said Gary

"May too" added Drew to which she turned angry and hit Drew on his head

"Next time you're going to end up in the hospital" shouted May as she warned Drew and everyone laughed

At the Restaurant

"The Pastries were delicious" said Ash to which everyone nodded and Serena smiled

"I Second that, I can eat these all day" added May with a delight but was interrupted by Calem

"So, Ash now you have to explain things" said Calem as he eyed Ash to which he shrugged his shoulders

"Shoot whatever you want to know and I think it will be a good start" replied Ash to which everyone nodded

"Why didn't coach played you in the first two games?" asked Paul as he eyed Ash and Ash was about to speak but Gary beat him to do that

"Because they thought he won't be able to take pressure of both games simultaneously" said Gary to which they nodded but then Dawn spoke up

"But, we saw you play in the practice match & you were not so good" said Dawn to which everyone eyed him but then Gary started laughing and then everyone was confused

"Oh sorry, my bad. Ashy boy tell them" said Gary while Ash just took a deep breath

"I guess maybe I was out of practice that time" said Ash hesitantly to which Gary also laughed

"Why are you laughing?" asked Lillie

"He just cracked a joke, damn he spent every time practicing and now he is saying that he was out of practice" said Gary while laughing to which everyone glared at Ash to which he shivered

"Damn Gary" said Ash angrily but then closed his eyes and took a deep breath and further added "I was just having fun back then with Gary as his captaincy was on the line, but we won that & it's all that matter" finished Ash to which he sighed and Gary gave him a nod of his approval

"I thought yesterday you were just flirting with Serena when you said you play both games" said Dawn to Serena's embarrassment

"I was just trying to tell the truth, but you didn't believed me & anything else was just a bonus" said Ash mischievously to which Serena just faced away from them in an attempt to hide her blush

"We will see how well you play in the practice tomorrow & we don't need any slackers" said Paul interrupting them who was quiet up until now

"Okay, no slacking for anyone" replied Ash while Gary just groaned but then they were interrupted by Dawn

"Hey, I also heard that there is some kind of competition for couples is going on in Lumiouse mall and the winner would get some merchandize designed by Valerie and signed by some superstar" said Dawn with excitement and winked at Gary that no one noticed

"Yeah, I heard about that I guess we will check that out later, although I am not interested in participating" said Gary with a smile

"Oh really? I am going to check out that first then" said Miette excitedly along with Ursula

"But that's a couple's competition, you alone can't compete" said Dawn while smirking to which everyone eyed Miette and found her smirking

"Who said I am going alone, Calem is going with me" said Miette and suddenly she grabbed Calem's hand and started dragging him out and they were out within seconds

"And Brendan too" said Ursula as she grabbed his hand and dragged him out and followed suit after Miette while everyone else was stumped to see what has happened in the last one minute or so

"That was unexpected" said Paul to which everyone nodded

"I want to participate in the competition as well" said Lillie surprising everyone as Gary blinked at her

"But we are here to enjoy a tour to Lumiouse" said Gary but Lillie gave him Baby Doll eyes to which he just shrugged his shoulders and further continued "Okay, we will participate too" but suddenly Dawn interrupted them

"Why don't we all join the competition?" suggested Dawn eyeing Serena & Ash to which they both eyed each other

"Yeah, I guess that's a great idea" said Gary as Lillie also smiled at that in excitement

"Yeah, I am sure that Serena, you and Ash will make a great couple" said Dawn to which Serena blushed but Ash controlled himself and interrupted

"I don't think that's a good idea.....CLIFFHANGER

To be continued....

Please Vote & Comment if you like

Two options for the next chapter...

1. Ash & Serena participating in couple's competition with everyone else

2. Both of them left alone after their companions left for the competition (Sort of a date)

Comment your opinion & it may happen and if possible state a reason

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