Chapter 2: Him

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After what felt like hours , the class finally comes to an end. I grab my things and hurry to the door, hoping to make it in time to get some coffee before Dance; i'm gonna need it. I rush to my locker and as i go to open it, i feel someone hovering over me from behind. I immediately know who it is from his familiar scent; I feel his breath lightly tickle the back of my neck , sending shivers down my spine. I turn around and bring my eyes to meet his for the first time; i'm mesmerised by his green eyes that look as if they've been dusted with flecks of gold.The heat of his body is practically pressing up against me. I can feel my pulse increasing rapidly; I have to prevent myself from biting my lip. But then he bites his as our eyes lock.

"You dropped this by the way, Blondie." He says in a playful tone whilst placing my journal in my hand; his fingers lightly graze mine which ignites my whole body. I can't help but notice his veins which travel up his tall masculine frame; penetrating his tanned skin. I take my journal with me everywhere , anything i'm thinking goes in that journal; it has a keypad on it so it's only accessible by me. His hand is still in mine , sending shivers up my arm.

I'm suddenly caught off guard and don't know what to say. His intimidating stare is still gazing through me as I stand speechless, looking like a moron. He looks down and and let's out a little smirk, revealing his perfectly sculpted dimples. I stare at him with awe in my eyes, realising i still haven't given him an answer.

"Oh, yeah, how did I leave that behind?" are the only words that seem to leave my mouth.

"A thanks would be nice too you know." He proudly states; leaving the journal in my hand as he pulls away.

"Cocky aren't we?"

"Rude aren't we?" He replies with confidence. Clearly he finds this amusing. I suddenly get extremely anxious from his presence and lightly bite my bottom lip whilst looking up at him. I decide to reply by rolling my eyes at his successful attempt to get on my nerves and turn back around to face my locker with my back towards him.

"What's written in that boring book of yours anyway?" He asks with no actual interest at all , continuing to torture me with his stubbornness.

"Why do you want to know? Sorry but i don't know you for you to be getting all personal with me."

"Peronsal? Whoa relax, it's just a harmless question Saffron." My name rolls of his tongue effortlessly with such ease , as if he actually does know me.

"Wait, how do you even know my name?"

"Its written on your damn journal, why do you have to ask so many questions?" Suddenly his face drops and his presence turns cold and uneasy.

"What the hell?! Now look who needs to relax." I defend myself , shocked by his sudden change in mood, which i find somewhat attractive.

"I have to ask questions because your.. annoying- and arrogant, and rude!" I raise my voice rapidly; he's really starting to get under my skin.

Once again, he scans my body, looking down to my legs and back up to me; then just walks away. No smirk this time. Just a stone cold face.

What is with him? He has issues clearly. But I admit to myself that i'm slightly intrigued by him. His flirtatious personality mixed with his attitude problems give me a strange sense of exhilaration.

I try to distract myself by putting in headphones and blast my dance playlist. Stiles has prevented me from getting a coffee before dance which doesn't help me at all energy wise. But i think i'll live.

A huge sense of relief rushes through me as i read the note half falling off the wall outside the dance studio. 'All college campus students can now go home,the dance instructor will not be in and there will be no dance class available today. Apologies.'

Although I love dance with a passion and usually would be eager to attend , today is not the day for me to be participating in anything physical. Exhausted isn't even the word; I need to get some sleep.

Oh my god , I completely forgot! Today is the day that we all get put into new dorms on campus. Luckily, we get to stay in them for the rest of the semester without needing to travel back and forth to our houses. I need to remember to text my mum and let her know. As far as I know, it will be a dorm shared between two students.

Text message from Amber: Hey , where are you? Come to the coffee house.

I wish I could share my dorm with Amber instead of the Professors deciding for us. Amber is my best-friend and I don't want to be apart from her during our experiences with our dorms. We've been waiting to have college dorms together since we were 12.

I head off to the coffee house to meet Amber and probably the rest of our group, Elena , Stephanie and Mel. I wonder if the coffee house will be packed. I turn up my music even more to block out Stiles trying to push his way into my thoughts. Why can't I stop thinking of him?

Hey guys! This is my first story. Let me know what you guys think, comment and feel free the message me I respond to everything! i'd love to hear your guys ideas so don't hold back if you've got some!

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