Chapter 3: I'll see you around.

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I go to sit at our usual table in the coffee house near the window and thankfully I can see that Amber already ordered me a coffee. Mel's wearing an even more revealing outfit than yesterday; a neon crop top and a mini skirt with a belt. Elena and Amber look stunning as usual though, with their smart and casual styles , similar to mine. And steph's wearing one of her floral dresses which goes beautifully with her newly dyed ginger hair.

"Are you good Saff?" Amber asks me and alerts the whole coffee house while doing so.
She can easily tell when somethings up.

"Yeh i'm alright, I didn't get much sleep last night, that's all." I lie, but she'll pick up on it.

"Hmmm." She raises her brows and gives me a look that asks me if i'm sure.

"I'll tell you later." I practically whisper to her. She nods and accepts my decision not to discuss my recent events with the whole group.

"Your looking a little worn out today Saff!" Mel obnoxiously shouts across the table. Does she want to be any louder? I don't really know why Mel hangs out with us , I mean I don't mind , but we're not her usual kind of group. She's cool , she's just a pain in the behind sometimes.

I manage to let out a small smile and take a sip of my coffee to let her know I can not be bothered to speak right now.

A loud group of 6 people stumble into the coffeehouse, as if there drunk or something. I hear a faint British accent among all the laughter. Of course. It's him again.

Him and his group of friends stumble over to the waitress at the counter; i realise i'm prying too much and try to stop myself before anyone notices. My eyes clearly have a mind of their own and continue to watch him. How does he already have that many friends, isn't it his first day here? Maybe he knew them from before. Anyway , why do i care? I take another sip of my coffee and try to pay attention to Stephanie, whatever she's talking about.

"Don't forget we're moving into our dorms today girls." Amber reminds us.

"Oh god yeah, such a shame we might not get put together though. I still need to get my stuff from my mums , do you guys have your things with you?" I reply, hoping one of them can come with me on the exhausting 20 minute bus journey i'll have to endure.

"Of course we have our things, why wouldn't you Saff?" Mel howls across the table.

"She kinda had a late night last night so she probably forgot." Amber reads my thoughts and saves me from having to explain myself for the third time today. I give her a reassuring smile and get up to walk to the bus stop. I wave goodbye to the group and make my way to the door.

As i'm walking, i stumble over as i feel someone bump into me from behind. I turn around expecting to annoyingly dismiss whoever this careless moron happens to be. It's stiles. 

"Ah shit , sorry Blondie, I got pushed into you by this prick." Electricity runs through me as i back away from him slightly and look up into his bright and compelling eyes. He points to the boy behind him with way too many piercings on his face. But my eyes are distracted when i see a tattoo of a flock of birds on Stiles' wrist that i hasn't noticed before. I didn't know he had any tattoos.

"Hmm, you seem to have an obsession with calling me blondie, do you give every girl that nickname?" I can't seem to stop the flirtatious words that slip through my mouth.

"No actually, only you." He winks at me and i nearly loose my balance. Feelings from earlier are rushing back to the surface and i can't tell if he actually meant that or not. I feel my face begin to lighten up involuntarily and I innocently blush while biting my lip , unable to turn away from him. 

"Why do you ask, are you worried that i do?" He says with a grin whilst walking backwards in front of me and then turns his attention back to his group which are now way ahead of him. He reveals his dimples again along with his adorable grin. Am i worried that he does? Obviously i am feeling some type of way since that was my response and i can't stop thinking about him. There's something about him, a certain way he is, talks, moves that seems to make me crave more.

"Do you want me to be?" I ask him; butterflies swirl in my chest as he lets out a small but genuine laugh while stroking his hands through his auburn hair.

He moves closer to me, closing the gap between us; we're practically chest to chest and my heart begins to race uncontrollably. The heat of his body penetrates onto mine as I scan his arms for any more hidden tattoos; I can't help but look up and lock my desperate eyes with his once again.

"I'll see you around, Saffron." He lifts his warm hand up to my face and runs his fingers through my hair for a split second; slightly tracing his fingers across my skin, then turns around , puts both hands in his black jean pockets and walks away. I'm left feeling ecstatic ; his gentle yet powerful touch which only lasted for a second left goosebumps on my skin. I'm surprised, in a good way obviously , i was not expecting that at all. My heart still feels like it's pounding out of my chest, reminding me how easily his presence influences me. My thoughts , my body , all of me. And once again i'm left wishing we had more time together.

"Hurry up you wanker!" The red-haired girl screams at Stiles before jumping into a the back of a jeep in the parking lot. Stiles gives her a middle finger as he continues at the pace he is walking.

I was so occupied by Stiles that i hadn't even noticed his group, and they look like they never go unnoticed. They look like a loud bunch of hormonal teenagers who definitely attract a lot of attention.

The rest of them get into the jeep as Stiles gets in the drivers seat; the shining navy blue vehicle must be his. Some kind of rock music begins to blast from his car as Stiles speeds away.

Stiles' POV:

"What were you doing back there with that prude?" Callum asks , way too close to my damn ear.

"Shut it, Callum." I reply , i'm in no mood to be pestered with their pointless questions.

"Yeah Stiles, how are you gonna fuck your way into this girl?" Vicky just had to get involved.

"I said shut the fuck up! Are you deaf? Enough with the fucking interrogation." I tighten my grip around the wheel , trying not to lose my temper even more. Fucking Vicky has no right talking about her like that, especially since she's a whore herself.

I don't know what it is but I find myself drawn to her; she has a flame in her that I like and I see life behind her pale but fierce blue eyes,unlike most people i see on a day to day with a such a dull and draining presence that bores me to death. I've never seen anyone so innocently beautiful yet so sexy and intriguing; her bright blonde waves fall effortlessly past her shoulders. I studied her face at the lockers, she was adorable yet such a turn on as she slowly bit her full pink lips whilst looking up at me. Everything about her amazes me , and i've only known her for about 2 hours.

Wait , what am i rambling on about? This could just be the hangover talking. I had a mad amount of alcohol yesterday because i was really dreading coming to this college, even though i knew these lot would be here with me. I'm not thinking clearly; i've never felt like this before. I don't even get into relationships. My first relationship was also my last, it was short and not a good one at that. I just didn't care for her enough. I don't really care for anyone, only myself. Why do i feel like she can change that?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm trying to make each chapter longer as i go along. Let me know what you think so far and if there's anything you would change in the story! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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