The End part one

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"KORRA!" Asami yelled. Everything was going on so quickly. Zaheer is back. Well, who knows really? Is Akemi really telling the truth? Wasn't Zaheer good now? (It had been a few years since Zaheer was locked up. He was freed and was well, decent. Zaheer, though, lived in the spirit world to study peace and balance of the world.) so.. How did he become of this? Or maybe it's some total other guy. Asami kept yelling Korra's name. Then; "Korra? Where are yo-" Asami was knocked out.
"Asami?" Korra called. She had heard Asami call her name for quite a while now. "Asami? Where are you?" Korra yelled. She was confused. "Mama?" A little voice squeaked. "Akemi! What are you doing out of bed?" Korra said gently. "I heard you calling out for mommy." Akemi rubbed her eyes. "Well, you should be getting back to b- oof!" And Korra was on the ground. "MAMA!" Akemi screamed. Akemi then screamed some more as she had gotten beaten up. "I will put the end to the Avatar and her family once more." Zaheer.
Bolin had sensed some danger. He kept following to where he knew where it was. The Sato Estate. He knocked on the door. No one answered. He knocked once more. There was still no one there. Then, he had a vision. Asami.. Korra.. Akemi.. Then it hit him. He kicked the door down and saw a little body. Akemi. "AKEMI!" Bolin ran up to her. "Un-cle B-Bo?" Akemi stammered. "Akemi,what happened? Where are your moms?" Akemi started tearing up. "A man took mommy away from me and then he hit me a lot." Akemi's body started to ache. "Don't worry. I'll get you an your moms to safety. I promise." Bolin hugged her tightly.
ATTENTION! This is the second last chapter of this series! Beware.... But don't worry! I have another series called 'our life' which is based on one-shots of Korra and Asami's life! Hopefully you all check it out! And hopefully you guys even read this... Anyway, GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL!

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