The End

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“I don’t need help from filthy mudbloods like her"
Mudblood, the word rang in Lily Evans' head as she ran down the hall tears threatening to spill out of her emerald green eyes. “EVANS! HEY EVANS" shouted a voice from down the hall, Lily looked up to see the face of James Potter.                                                             “Piss off Potter" she said although her heart was not in it. He did not piss off much to her disappointment. “I’m sorry” he said, she looked up in shock of all the things she thought he would say ‘I’m sorry' was most definitely not one of them. “Its not me who you should be apologising to its Sev- Snape” she said looking at her feet and sliding into a sitting position against the cold walls of the castle she had grown to love.                              “no no I ruined your friendship with Snape if I hadn’t edged him on then he would never of called you that it’s my fault I really am sorry" he said quietly the nervousness obvious in his voice. She looked up and her eyes found his, she realised that she had never properly looked at James Potters eyes, they were a deep chocolate colour with little golden specks dotted about the edges. She caught her breath a looked away, “its not your fault James, it was only a matter of time before it happened,” there was silence, “potter?” she asked wondering why he was so quiet. A look of shock was etched upon his face, “you called me James, you never call me James, oh no no no you must be really upset I am so sorry Evan’s I feel so bad” he muttered suddenly standing up and starting pacing. She got up as well and walked over to him, “Thank you for apologising but I’ll be alright this was inevitable anyway" he stopped pacing and looked down at her an expression she did not know upon his face. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, “I’m probably the last person you wanna see right now, I’ll go get one of your friends, Alice and Marlene?” He asked tilting his head waiting for an answer. Lily shook her head and said “no no I have to accept that, well this, this is The End, The End of my friendship with Severus Snape"      

I gave up on my old story cause I really didnt have the time but I'm back into my old routine and have began a new phase of being obsessed with the Mauraders so this is a kind of prologue thingy the next chapter will be longer, better and start on the train to sixth year :)   

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