Chapter 4

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Dean was sitting at the hotel table, laptop open in front of him. Sam had taken the Impala to go to the local library, thinking they might have books on Beacon Hills.
It had only been two hours when Dean heard the Impala pull up and he frowned. Usually a library trip took at least all day. The door beeped when the key card was inserted and Sam walked in empty handed.
"What? No books?" Dean asked, his attention no longer on the laptop.
"That's just it," Sam sighed, shutting the door behind him and shrugging out of his jacket. "Someone checked out every geographic and historic book they had on Beacon Hills, and lore."
"Someone checked out books on Beacon Hills and werewolf lore?" Dean asked unbelieving
"Not just werewolf lore," Sam said, still frowning. "The books on skinwalkers and chimeras are gone too."
"Seems we have another hunter in Beacon Hills," Dean sighed, reaching for the phone on the table.
"Or it's that sheriff's kid," Sam added. Dean nodded, dialing Bobby's number and holding the phone to his ear.
"Hey, Bobby," Dean greeted, leaning back in the wooden chair. "Do you know if there's another hunter here?"
"Well," Bobby sighed, thinking for a second. "Theres a retired hunter, settled down with his family not that long ago. Argent I think it was."
"Thanks, Bobby."
"No problem," Bobby said.
When Dean hung up, Sam looked at him expectantly.
"Theres a hunter here, or a family of hunters. Bobby said they're retired but if they got word of a pack living here they might be working the case."
"So let's go talk to them," Sam suggested.
The two had gotten the address from the deputy at the front desk of the station They lived on the south side of Beacon Hills, not that far from the hotel the Winchesters were staying at.
It was late in the afternoon when they got to the Argent house. Sam and Dean decided against the FBI gig and instead knocked on the front door in their casual clothes.
It took a moment before the door opened, revealing a woman with short red hair and a scowl that put Bobby to shame.
"Can I help you?" She asked, her voice not much better. She put Sam on edge. He shifted his weight from one side to the other.
"Hi, I'm Dean, and this is my brother, Sam," Dean introduced, pointing a finger over his shoulder at Sam. "We heard-"
"You're Winchesters?" The woman interrupted.
"Yes, ma'am," Dean nodded. The woman ushered the two in quickly, shutting the door behind them. Dean couldn't lie, the woman was scary.
"Come with me, my husband is in the garage," she said over her shoulder. "My name's Victoria."
"Nice to meet you," Sam gave a nervous smile. "Sorry to bother you-"
"You're not a bother," Victoria interrupted again. "We've heard a lot about you two."
She opened the door to the garage, nodding for them to walk in first.
"Chris, we have visitors," Victoria called. Dean and Sam entered the garage to see two dark SUVs parked on either side. The far wall was covered from floor to ceiling with weapons ranging from knifes and arrows to assault rifles and grenade launchers. Dean looked at the wall in amazement and envy.
In the middle of the garage was a small group of men, all huddled around a short card table. The older one looked up, looking Sam and Dean over before stepping away from the table to meet them.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Sam and Dean Winchester. We heard about your werewolf problem and came to help."
Chris shook each boy's hand.
"Werewolves aren't our priority right now," Chris said evenly. "But we appreciate any help we can get."
Stiles had texted Derek and Scott about an hour ago about needing to talk, but neither had responded. He was getting antsy.
"You okay, Stiles?"
Stiles jumped, nearly falling out of his seat before looking up and seeing Noah leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom.
"Fine," Stiles said, swallowing thickly. "Just, waiting for Scott."
"I saw him on my way home. Looked like he was in a hurry," Noah said with a half shrug.
"Where was he going?"
"Looked like he was going home."
Stiles nodded, fringing aloofness.
"Hey, when are you going to return those library books?" Noah asked, nodding to the stack of books on the desk next to his laptop. "You've had them for two months."
"Oh, uh, today?" Stiles glanced at the books before looking at Noah.
He had gotten a couple books on werewolves when Scott got bit, then a couple books on Beacon Hills after Lydia turned psycho and when Jackson turned into a Kanima he got a few more. He hadn't really had time to worry about returning them.
Stiles took the jeep and headed for Scott's house when there was still no answer from either Scott or Derek. He was just about to turn onto his street when something slammed into his hood. It was Jackson- or the Kanima. It crawled up the top of the jeep and jumped off the back.
"Shit!" Stiles cursed, making a u-turn and following after it. He pulled his phone out and called Scott.
"Come on, pick up your phone," Stiles begged, chasing the Kanima towards the school. The phone rang to voicemail and Stiles cursed again.
He tried calling Derek. The Kanima scaled the high school building, disappearing over the top.
"Stiles?" Derek answered. Stiles let out a breath of relief.
"Derek! The kanima is at the school!"
He was already pulling the wooden bat out of the back of the jeep as he spoke.
"I can't get ahold of Scott," he added.
"I'm on my way. Stay put," Derek ordered. Stiles hung up, running towards the school. He knew the front doors would be locked so he ran around to the lacrosse field, using the locker room door to get inside.
The hallways were dark and quiet, which made Stiles more anxious than he would've been if he was looking for the Kanima in the day.
He decided to clear the high school by floors. He hoped Jackson was on the second floor, so hopefully he didn't run into him until Derek got there.
He was nearing the gymnasium when he heard a low guttural hiss. Stiles froze, shoulders tensing and breathing ragged. He gripped the bat tightly, holding it up by his shoulder. He glanced down the hallway, then behind him, but saw nothing.
He braved a step forward, making sure not to make a sound. He listened intensely, then took another step.
He just reached the double doors to the gym when a loud bang made Stiles nearly yelp. He looked into the gymnasium from the window, seeing a tail slither into the pool room.
"Come on, Derek, where are you?" Stiles breathed.

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