Chapter 9

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Stiles woke up with a start, eyes wide as he took in the room around him. Yesterday hit him all at once, the pool, Sam and Dean, Jackson's blood seeping into the pool water, Derek hurt. He sat up in the bed, leaning forward and holding his head as he breathed.
He got up a moment later, the fear and sadness of yesterday turning into panic. His phone was damaged. His dad would be worried sick right now, and Stiles had no way of calling him to let him know he was okay.
Stiles exited the room quickly, skipping down the stairs and heading for the hole in the back of the house.
"Where are you going?" Stiles yelped, jumping and spinning to see Derek walking towards him. He had new clothes on.
"I'm going home," Stiles said, pointing a finger to his jeep over his shoulder. "My dad's probably worried."
Derek nodded. "I'll come with you," he said. Stiles squinted in confusion, opening his mouth to say something, then closing it when Derek passed him. Stiles spun and followed after him, the two getting into the jeep.
"What about the hunters?" Stiles asked as he pulled around the front of the house.
"They won't do anything during the day, especially with so many people around," Derek assured. His assurance wasn't very reassuring to Stiles, but he drove back into town.
They made it to Stiles' house without a problem, Stiles sneaking Derek into his bedroom. Once the two were safely inside, Stiles let out a breath of relief.
"You can stay here," Stiles said, turning to Derek. "I'm gonna call my dad."
Derek said nothing so Stiles left the room, bounding down the stairs and heading for the kitchen. Noah had an old wire phone on the wall, had been there since Stiles could remember.
He picked up the phone and dialed the number for the station. While he waited he tapped at the wall with the tips of his fingers.
"Beacon Hills sheriff's office, what's your emergency?" Griffin answered.
"Hey, its Stiles," he answered. "Is my dad around?"
"Stiles?" Griffin sounded surprised and relieved. "Your dad's been looking everywhere for you!"
Stiles winced. He really worried his dad then.
"Is he there?"
"No, he's out looking for you," Griffin supplied. It made Stiles feel worse. "I'll call him in. Stay where you are."
Stiles hung up and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know what to do. He knew he was going to be in huge trouble, but he couldn't exactly say the FBI agents were hunters who kidnapped him, or that the reason he didn't call was because he had been keeping Derek from drowning while a Kanima tried to kill him.
The thought of Jackson made Stiles' stomach roll again and he had to lean against the counter to keep from passing out.
"You okay?"
Stiles jumped, looking up to see Derek in the doorway with that always present scowl, only this time it looked a little more concerned.
"I don't know," Stiles said honestly. "I don't know what to tell my dad, I don't know where Scott is, or what Sam and Dean are up to now, and Jackson-" he took a breath. "I don't know what to do."
Derek stayed quiet for a moment. Always with the long waits with him. Stiles kind of hated it.
"Don't worry about the hunters, or the pack," he finally said. "I'll take care of it. As for Jackson, I'm sure theres an elaborate story on what happened. And Scott is fine, he's probably with Allison."
Stiles set his jaw. "If he is I'm going to kill him."
Derek raised an eyebrow in question. "I called him three times last night," Stiles explained. "Out of the two of you, I expected you to be the one to ignore my calls."
Derek didn't seem at all offended by the statement. He almost did ignore Stiles' call, but he was glad he had picked up.
Derek made his way back to Stiles' room when he heard the sheriff's car pull into the driveway. He kept the door shut, but could heard everything down below.
Stiles was pacing, biting at his nails. When the door opened he froze.
"I-in here," Stiles called out, his heart in his throat.
Noah walked into the kitchen and grabbed Stiles by his shoulders, yanking him into a hug.
Stiles hugged him back, digging his face into Noah's shoulder and breathing in the smell of his cologne.
"Where have you been?" Noah demanded, pulling away quickly. "I was worried sick! I called you and you didn't pick up!"
"My phone is broken," Stiles said softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"You couldn't have used Scott's phone? Or come home last night?"
Stiles bit his lip. He didn't know what to say.
"I didn't think," he decided. "I was with Scott so I didn't think it was a big deal if I just stayed the night."
Now Noah looked mad, and Stiles lowered his head, waiting for the punishment he knew he was going to get. But lying to Noah about last night was the safest thing Stiles could do for him.
"Stiles, you have to tell me where you are," Noah said with a heavy sigh. "Especially now with a curfew! You could've been hurt or killed! I looked for you all night, Scott wasn't answering his phone, your other friends had no idea where you were!"
"I know," Stiles said softly. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sure you are," Noah said, sounding exhausted. "You're grounded. You go to school you come home. No TV, no Scott."
Stiles didn't bother asking how long this grounding was going to be, instead he nodded and left the kitchen. He couldnt even look Noah in the eyes in fear that he'd tell him the truth.
When he made it to his bedroom, Derek was still there, looking down at a picture on the desk. It was a picture of Stiles with his mom and dad, before she got sick. They were at a baseball game.
"That's my mom," Stiles said, shutting the door behind him and sitting down on his bed. "She got sick a couple weeks after that picture was taken."
Derek glanced at Stiles before looking back at the picture. "What did she have?" He asked.
"Frontotemporal dementia," Stiles answered, wringing his hands together between his knees. "It destroys personality, language and behavior."
Derek only nodded, sitting in the chair next to his bed.
"You look like her," he commented.
Stiles gave a small smile. "Yeah, that's what everyone says," he said. "I'm too much like her and not enough like him."
"Why didn't you tell your dad about last night?" Derek asked, changing the subject. Stiles sighed, falling back onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling.
"I don't want him to get hurt," Stiles said. "If he knew what those hunters did, or who they are, it'll put him in more danger than if he thought I was just being a teenager."
Stiles let out another sigh. "Plus, I dont know how he'll take it if I told him supernatural creatures exist."

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