Schrute Secrets

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Requested by @yelo22879 - Hope you like it :)

!!TW- will contain mentions of suicide attempts and self harm

The office was quiet, well as quiet as a room full of computer keys clicking and phones ringing could be.  Jim sat in the break room, enjoying his sandwich and coke, contemplating possible prank ideas for his desk mate, Dwight. Dwight had been.... off lately. He was less irritable, often ignoring Jim's attempts at getting a reaction out of him. He hadn't stormed into Micheal's office once, which befuddled the tall man. How could he get a rise out of Dwight. 

"Dwight Mose is here". Pam called across the room, gaining the attention of the man. His scribbling in what looked to be a leather bound book was interrupted, placed haphazardly under some papers. Mose stood in the doorway, shoes caked in mud and grass clippings

"Mose did something happen at the farm?". A single nod. 

"Do you require assistance?", Another nod has both men walking out the door, Dwight promising to be back within the next 2 hours. Jim's eyes focused on the hastily hidden book. How many time had he seen that book in Dwight's possession? He never left it on the table, always keeping in his bag or on his person. He reached over the table, making eye contact with Pam, smirking innocently.  The books cover gave no indication of its contents, the leather blank, edges worn slightly into finger shaped indents. What juicy Dwight sized secrets could this iddy biddy book hold. Cocking one eyebrow up and down at Pam, he leaned back in his chair, opening the pages. 

  Salutations Journal, This is Dwight Schrute, age 35.  My family therapist recommended i write in this book  every day , as a way of expressing as well as releasing harmful urges that have occurred over the past year.  It is important to note, that one month ago i was released from the Scranton General Hospital  after an attempted suicide. My family therapist gifted me with this journal as a 'Get better' gift at the begging of our sessions earlier this week. This is is my first entry so i notion t be better for it to be informative. That would be all for today, as i have nothing else i wish to transcribe. 

Farewell, Dwight K Schrute. 

Jim starred at the pages, covered in the words of his co-worker. Suicide? What was going on with Dwight that pushed him to attempt to take his own life? Jim flipped further into the book.

Salutations Journal. As i have written about in my previous transcripts my weekly sessions with my  therapist are coming to a close. She has deemed me 'Cured' of a sorts. She says she believes i will be able to handle these thought i am having by  myself. The various reliever she had she has supplied and techniques she has taught me are useful. I especially like the  method of holding ice in your mouth, as i like the sensation of it melting, as well as scribbling on a piece of paper.  She advised me to continue to write my feeling down in this journal, as she believes it is helping me to progress. There are other distractions that are unknowingly helping me to resist these urges. one of them is the pranks preformed on me by my desk mate Jim, and my plotting of getting back at him. Last Week he proceeded to move my desk into the Mens bathroom. In doing so i discovered that Kevin toilets with a rose scented candle and does not wash his hands, considering he works in the accounting sector, i find this revolting. I plan to get back at Jim. Its the small distractions that i appreciate about my workplace. This is all i have to say for this entry. Farewell. 

This entry was from 3 weeks ago. Jim distinctly remembers that Dwight left his desk in the bathroom for the whole day, and that he helped him move it back. He a prankster, not an asshole. Jim flipped through to the most recent entry, from just an hour ago. 

Salutations Journal. I'm afraid in failed. These feeling have been too much. I've relapsed. I spent majority of the night locked in the bathroom, fixing the mistake i made. I almost did it again, almost went too deep. But the thought of leaving my friends and Mose behind stopped me.  My legs ache and the wrapping scratch at my trousers, a stark reminder of my short comings. I'd come so far only to fall back into old habits. I write this at my desk as i can't wait to get it out tonight. Its hard to ho-

"Jim, what is that?". Pam stood behind his chair, peering over his shoulder, reading it. Jim remained quiet, letting her absorb the words on the page, written by their friend.  

"Omg, Jim". Her hand few to her mouth, stifling the gasp. The door to the office swung open, A slightly dishevelled Dwight walking through. He looked up, halfway through taking off his coat, face freezing as he stuttered to a halt. 

The book, open in Jim's hands. Pam's face. The look in Jim's eye. 

"Dwight.." He turned, walking out the door towards the stairwell. Jim rose from his chair, handing Pam the now closed book, following his friend. The Stairwell door swung closed, indicating Dwight's path.  He sped up, shoving open the door, rushing towards the stair climbing upwards. 

"Dwight!". a small sound came from beneath him. He back tracked. Dwight sat on the downward sloping stair, head leaning against the wall, scrunched in the corner.  Jim backtracked, slowly approaching the man on the ground. Dwight's face was blank, as if he was in another world.  Jim knelt on the ground, sitting next to his friend. Not touching him, but still their.

"Dwight..... Its Ok". Dwight's face crumpled like paper, leaning on the wall of the stairwell. He felt Jim's hand slowly rubbing circles into his the space between his shoulder blades, silent reassurance. They knew. Jim and Pam knew. And they cared. 


I hope this is good enough @yelo22879  :)

Stay Fabulous people


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