Chapter 7: Classes Start; the VKs Settle (Pt. 2)

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Hubert entered the Remedial Goodness 101 classroom after lunch ended for the day. He looked around the room, tracing the lines in the wooden desks. A chalkboard stood at the front, and Hubert rolled his eyes. "This isn't the early 1980s. People don't use chalkboards anymore," he muttered to himself, plopping himself in a chair near the board.

"I know, but chalkboards prevent students from writing profanities all over it and messing with my lesson plans," answered Jane, coming into the classroom. "Hello, Mr. Pinkerton."

"I sincerely apologize for what I said, ma'am." Hubert tensed up, sitting upright in his seat.

"No, it's quite alright." Jane waved off his previous remark. "Truth be told, I wish we were using whiteboards in here as well, but you know my mother."

"I don't know Fairy Godmother," admitted Hubert. "This is my first time in Auradon."

"I know," nodded Jane, setting her lesson plans on her desk. "I'm going to review some of the basic goodness rules with you to test your knowledge. That will determine what I teach you throughout this school year."

"Cool." Hubert inwardly rolled his eyes. He knew how to be good. Why did he need this class? Because someone stereotyped him as an evil villain?

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you: A. curse it, B. Lock it in a tower, C. Give it a bottle, or D. Carve out its heart?" Jane asked Hubert.

"C. Give it a bottle," answered Hubert.

"You find a vile of poison. Do you: A. put it in the king's wine, B. paint it on an apple, or C. turn it over to the proper authorities?"

"C. Turn it over to the proper authorities."

"You're rather intelligent, aren't you?" Jane instead inquired.

"I am. Hans taught me how to be good on the Isle."

"I gather you would rather be playing a sport than sitting in a classroom?" Jane asked.

"Yes, but tourney isn't my thing." Hubert shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe try out for R.O.A.R., which is a fencing team."


"Tryouts are after school, in the amphitheater."

"I'll check it out. Thank you, Mrs. De Vil."

"It's no problem, Mr. Pinkerton."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Hubert entered the amphitheater, unsure of what R.O.A.R. looked like. What he saw were male students clad in white uniforms, masks on their heads, holding swords. Hazel stood beside him, underneath an illusion spell; she appeared to be male, and the spell would only be broken when she removed her mask. Hubert held her hand, squeezing it gently.

"Everything'll be okay," he muttered softly in her ear.

"I know," whispered Hazel. As long as the mask remained on until the end of tryouts, she'd be safe.

Hubert spotted Alex, who was training by himself. He approached his roommate, asking, "Alex? You're trying out for R.O.A.R. too?"

"Yeah," sighed Alex. He hadn't mentioned how his father was the coach for the team.

"Well, best of luck to you," stated Hubert, shaking Alex's hand.

"Thanks. You too," nodded Alex, returning the handshake.

Hubert grinned, walking back to where Hazel was standing. Alex narrowed his eyes upon seeing Hazel. Why is she under an illusion spell? he asked himself as his father entered the amphitheater.

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