Chapter 4: Time to Party!

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"Minato-kun! Is everything ready?" Yukari shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I yelled back. "Food, snacks, drinks, tables, tablecloths, everything's ready!"

"Good! Help me fix these streamers! And check if the Christmas decorations are all in place!"

I groaned as I ran over to help Yukari. It was about an hour and twenty minutes until our Christmas party was going to begin, and Yukari wanted to do a last-minute check to make sure that everything was in place.

"Well, everything seems to be in place, looks like this party's gonna rock!" Yukari cheered, as she got off the stepladder, which she was using to check the party streamers. "Now, what to do for the next hour..."

Our thinking was interrupted when we heard someone knocking at the door. "Huh... wonder who that is? Minato-kun, would you get the door please?" Yukari asked as she headed to her room.

"Fine. And hey, you said please for once." I said as I got up from the sofa.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I replied quickly.

I opened the front door to be greeted by Aigis, who was wearing the same cream-colored jacket and light blue scarf as before, along with the outfit that we helped her pick out. "Oh, hey Ai-chan."

"Hi, Minato-kun, Yukari-san." Aigis said, smiling at me and waving at Yukari. "I came early so I could help out if you needed some extra help."

"Oh, we got everything done earlier, so... yeah... but still, come in. You can hang out here with us, why not."

"Oh, thank you. Sorry for the intrusion." Aigis said as she stepped inside. As she put her jacket on the coat rack that was beside the door, I couldn't help noticing again how cute Aigis looked in her outfit.

"Wow, so this is Minato-kun and Yukari-san's house... it's very nice in here."

"Oh, uh, yeah, thanks!" I said, snapping out of my daze. "Oh, would you like some hot chocolate?"

"Minato-kun, are you okay? You have this weird look on your face..."

"Oh, it's just... gah, I can't lie to you, I still can't get over how cute you look in that outfit..."

"Aww, stop it Minato-kun, you're making me blush..." Aigis said, hitting me lightly on my arm. "By the way, you mean that in a completely friendly manner right? Because if you're trying to hit on my, I can get my dad to take care of you..."

The dreaded mental image of my skull being crushed between Keisuke-san's fingers popped into my head again. "NO! I mean it as a completely friendly compliment, please, please, PLEASE don't tell your dad to crush my skull!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Aigis giggled.

"I seriously think Yukari-chan is rubbing off on you too much..."

"I heard that!" Yukari yelled from her room.

"I appreciate the compliment, though." Aigis said, smiling at me. "And don't worry, Yukari-san isn't going to rub off on me any more than she already has."

We continued to talk in the living room until the guests started arriving, the first of which was Junpei, who arrived immediately after Aigis had excused herself to grab a snack from the kitchen.

"Hey! I'm here! " Junpei hollered when he arrived. "I brought my karaoke machine!"

"I didn't ask you to bring it." Yukari said, who was now reading a book on the couch.

"Aw, come on Yuka-tan, you don't really expect us to just drink, eat and talk for the next five hours do you?"

"Meh, fine. But if it causes a major disturbance you're out of here, got it?"

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