1. My (Not so Much) Amazing Story...

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    A/N: Woww!! First part is up and written plus it's edited!! Lemme just say rn..if you don't agree with #LoveWins, this isn't the book for you. Lmao like don't just come here and leave rude comments and shit :)) thanks!
    Who knew that little ol' Salem (me), would be in a stolen car with a girl, who I don't even know, on a road somewhere. I mean, 24 hours ago the most reckless thing I'd done was bend the corners of my books for markers. The sheer thought of sneaking out made me want to dig myself a grave and lay in it. But, here I am, again, in a stolen car with a girl I hardly (slim to none) talk to. I'm sure my past self would be whooping my future self's ass right now. Like, who in their right mind would willingly jump into a car with a stranger? You'd be crazy if you would.

    Welp, I guess I'm crazy then. And that's okay. To be frank, this has been the best 4+ hours of my life. Deadass. I'm probably the most boring person in my state....now that I think of it, I am. I read books for fun. For fun. My lack of social abilities have limited me to do most things. Like, get a boyfriend. The closest thing I've had to a boyfriend, is the ones in my mind and phone. Yeah...sad I know.

    I also can't do parties. Well, I've actually never been invited to one, so I can't really say a lot. But, even if I was invited to one, I wouldn't go. The picture of me socializing is a rare one. Really rare. Looking at my current state, it wouldn't be too uncommon. However, Charlie hasn't shut her pie hole this whole time, practically forcing me to engage in conversation with her. There's nothing here for me to shut her out with. She didn't let me bring any books saying that, "Books are overrated. They hurt my brain.". Not that she has much of one anyway. And, when I argued with her, she ended the conversation with, "If you even touch one of your damnations. I'll make sure to shove them up your ass before we leave. Still wanna bring one?" That was the resolution of that convo.

   So, here we are. You're probably wondering how the heck we ended up 4+ hours away from our city. Well, let's say it took a lot of enforcement and persuasion. More of the enforcement...i've come to find out Charlie has a hard grip. Luckily, my wrist is still intact. I'm starting to wonder if Charlie has a robotic arm. Okay, obviously I've gone off the deep end. But, I'm seriously considering it.

    Now, this Charlie girl I'm talking about...total wackjob. She's like psycho but not fully psycho...you know what i mean? One time in 10th grade, she bit off part of her boyfriend's tongue after she found out that he was cheating on her with some other girl from Fringewood (the richer part of town). The guy hasn't been able to talk straight since then...he kind of deserved it though. No one expected them to end. Let's say, they were kind of the IT couple...people even had freaking ship names for them! It's practically repulsive to think that I go to school with those people.

    Good thing it's senior year or else my parents would have had to get me a therapist. Let me tell you, Charlie is not a girl you should mess with. So, it's a bit surprising that that dude had the balls to cheat. Heck, I can barely look her in the eyes. She has this whole cliche bad-girl facade going right now, with the dark clothing usually paired with fishnets and chokers and the striking green hair to top it all off. I haven't seen her with anyone else since that last dude.

    I think everyone's too intimidated by her, teachers and students. I actually think the teachers are so tired of her recurring bullshit, that they don't care what she does anymore. Same with the principle. She's had so many detentions and suspensions, that they don't even bother doing anything anymore. The thing is, she's been at school pretty much everyday. The school tries to get her to stay at home, but she ends up just coming back the next day, and terrorizes her next victim. I've never talked to her much unless we were paired for a project, which even then the max number of words spoken was 6. It basically went like this,

Me: Hi.

Her: You're doing all the work.

    That's it. So, yeah that's Charlie for ya.

     Anyways, back to how all this came to be. It all started when I spilled red kool-aid on her converse...

    To clarify, her white converse...yeah :)
A/N: if anyone would like to leave constructive criticism or make book covers or banners that would be so awesome and would really help. Anyways, I love you cuties💗

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