-Justine's p.o.v-
Wow... it was the only word i had in my head!! Nogla looked absolutely amazing. He has been such a gentleman and i already know my family loves him. We are now in my Dad's car and my mom and dad are up front and me and Nogla are in the back. I look up to him and smile. He is just so nice and i never expected to be here right now i hear my phone go off and it is a text from Nogla
Nogla-stop staring at me creep xp
Me-sorry cant help it ;)
Nogla-i see your point ;) ;)
Me-haha i never thought i would meet you..
Nogla- me neither... can i be honest...
Nogla-well...whenever i hear your name my heart skips a beat and whenever i am mad or sad i think about you and i am not sad any more and yes i know this is supppperrrr cheesy but you really are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Me- wow... i never knew you thought of me like that.. and it wasnt cheesy!!!! It was cute!!!
"We are here!" My dad said pulling into a beautiful restaurant.
I look back at Nogla and without my parents looking i plant a small kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you" i say and his face lushed a bright pink now realizing what i did my face turned the same color.
-Nogla's p.o.v-
My heart fluttered as her lips met my cheek. I have never felt that feeling before in my life. Not even my ex had that effect on me. No one has ever had that effect on me!! Is this what love feels like... am i in love with her... but i cant be.. that is wrong she is too young and under age...
We were now waiting for a table and all of these thoughts are going through my head. I try to ignore them but they keep running through my head.
The waitress sits us at a table right underneath a beautiful chandelier in the middle of the restaurant.
"So David why dont we get to know you more?" Mrs Ramos said.
"Oh sure ask me anything you want!!" I said giving her my best smile
"How old are you?" I knew this would probably be it.. i dont want to lie but this is my dream girls family so i decide to tell the truth
"Uh..22" i say a little worried she was going to not approve of me any more
"Oh wow only 22? So are you going to college" she says giving me a reassuring smile.
"Well i am doing college part time and YouTube full time" i say
"Wow isnt that alot of work?" Mr. Ramos pipes in.
"Well college is but youtube is so much fun to do i honestly dont care how hard it is because knowing i make people laugh is so rewarding and an amazing feeling" i say with a confident smile
"Are you single" Mrs. Ramos asks and they all look at me even Justine.
"Uhh actually my girlfriend just broke up with me last night" i say and i see Justine's face lighten up. I smile as our waitress soon comes asking what we would like.
"Uh i would like a coke and the special please" i say to the waitress. She gave me a flirty smile and i wink...um no
"I would like the same thing" Justine says poking her head infront of mine giving the waitress a death glare.
I nearly shat myself at how scared the waitress looked. Justine is literally the best person alive.
The waitress left and came back with our food and when she handed me mine she gave me a paper with her number on it.
Justine's mom took the paper and ripped it into two pieces and said
"David maybe you should take Justine to the movies after this" the waitress look completely pissed off we were all cracking up even Mr. Ramos!
"No but literally you guys should go out or you guys can come back to our house and play video games" she continued after the waitress left
"Sure what ever is better" i say looking at Justine
"Video games!!!" She yells shoving a piece of chicken in her mouth. Everyone stops and looks at our table.
"Take a picture while your at it" Justine yells at them snapping her fingers. Everyone went back to what they were doing and i was laughing way to hard.
We then finished our dinner and got some dessert to go.
We got back in the car and drove off.
-Justine's mom(Valerie) p.o.v-
I really like david! I think he is an amazing guy and perfect for my daughter. They have so much in common but i am a bit scared because he is 22 and she is only 16 but then again me and Jim(Justine's dad) have the exact same age difference. I just dont want my poor little girl getting hurt again.
We finally got home from dinner and the kids went up to Justine's room while me and Jim went to our room
"You know i really like David. He is very respectful" i say to jim as he sits down on the bed undoing his tie.
"Yeah me too. I think Justine really likes Him too." He responds as i am taking off my earings.
"I just hope he doesnt hurt her" i say
"If he does i will hurt him" Jim says with a laugh pretending to hold a shotgun and cocking it.
We get into our pyjamas and climb in bed.
-Justine's p.o.v-
We finally get home and me and Nogla go to the kitchen and grab the bag of Doritos and a box of Capri Suns we race up the stairs like kids trying to see who can get to the room first. We plop down on my bed and turn on the xbox
We start playing cod 2 multiplayer.
"You bitch that us so unfair!!! What kind of glitch is that!!" I yelled at him. He laughed at me and looked back at the screen. I snuck up behind him and knifed him.
"Ahh you mutha focker" he pause the game and tackled me on the bed. We wrestled until we fell off the bed with a loud thump. My parents rushed into my room holding 'weapons'as we were cracking up on floor.
"Never mined they are just laughing" my mom said looking at us as she lowered her frying pan and my dad walks in with a fly swatter
"Oh ok" he says
"Wha-what are you doing" i say laughing and pointing at there weapons. Nogla laughing and looking confused at the same time.
We finally stopped laughing and and Nogla went home because it was really late.
I washed my face and put my hair in a braid. I took off my dress and put on a big tee shirt and fluffy pants.
I lay in bed thinking about how amazing this day has been and how amazing Nogla is.

Under Age
FanfictionJustine Ramos is a youtuber who post gaming videos she soon gets an xbox party invite from her idols. the next day her dad gets a job in Ireland. Will she then fall for her idol or is she to young for him.