"Well guys I really hope you all really enjoyed that Gta 5 video and if u did why dont you slap that like button like its your bitch and tap dat subscribe button like its your friend's hot mom"i say as i always do at the end of every video. I stop recording and go straight to editing. I smile at my finish product and upload it to Youtube. I checked my subscribers and i am now at 55,874 i never thought i would get that much ever even though it still isnt as much as my idols.
I look up to alot of youtubers. Especially VanossGaming, H20 Delirious, Lui Calibre, I am Wildcat, Daithi De Nogla, and the rest of them. I would kill to meet them or even play with them. I look at my clock and it is already 12pm. I quickly got my pajamas on and went to bed.
The sun hit my face and i thought i was gonna die!!! It was so bright and it hurt my eyes like a bitch!!!
It is saturday so i dont have school. I got on twitter and saw my followers went up by 100 and i had 250 new tweets i smiled and decided to tweet some of them back! I loved interacting with my fans!! I didnt really like calling them fans so i just called them babes.
I read some of the comments
"@.pintsizejustine when is your next video"
"I just posted one last night c: hope u like it" i tweeted back
After tweeting half of them and following my mosr active fans i decided to play some xbox.
When i got online i noticed i had a new friend request. A familiar named poped up and i literally screamed!
The screen said
'Vanoss would like to become your friend on xbox live' i quickly accepted it not even hesitating. Soon a party invite popped up at the top and accepted not even thinking about declining.
"Hey you must be Justine from PintSizedJustine on youtube right?" I hear Evan's voice ask through his mic
"The one and only" i said trying to be calm. I cant believe Vanoss actually watches my videos!! It is amazing!! My idol watches my videos!!!
We talked for about 30 minutes on a private chat about ourselves and i learned alot about him.
We exchanged numbers and he said he was going to recored a video and asked if i wanted to be in it.
" omg!!!! That would be amazing!!" i basically screamed with the biggest smile on my face. After realizing what i just said i quickly said "well i mean yeah.. that.. sounds... fun.. i guess" i mentally face palmed.
"Hahahaha great let me invite the guys to the party" Evan said in a cheerful voice. Omg i cant believe i am gonna be in one of his videos and i am gonna meet the guys. Damn this is crazy!!!!
-Evan(VanossGaming)'s P.O.V-
It is late at night and i am on youtube. I checked the home page and i looked at the suggestion list. I love looking at the suggestion list because there are lots of new gamers and i love checking out if there any good and how many subs they have. I see the first video and it is a girl gamer. Girl gamers dont tend to be very funny when they start but the title of the video caught my eye. 'Back nips and shoulder titties' i burst into laughter and clicked on it very curious to see what the video is about.
"Hey guys Justine here and welcome to.... drum roll please??.... no?.. ok!" She said with a pout "GTA FIVVEEEEEEE" she continued
"Today we are gonna visit the one place my mother would never want me to visit and that is the strip club." She gets in the car and starts talking about how much of a horrible driver she is and to be honest she really is.
"Man fuck this car ima just walk. It is not like im going to walk in real life. Because walking involves human interaction and we all know i am no expert in that field!!"
I giggled at her comment and a smile appeared on my face.
"Ok innocent children watching or creepy 40 year old men. We are at the strip club and for all the horny 13 year old boy and 40 year old pervs i am gonna censor it bc i dont want tits hitting my face."
She pointed at the screen gesturing to the audience.
She went into it and went to look around until she pointed out a girl with a mole on her back
"Oh my god is that a nipple? Does she have a fucking nipple on her back?" She started following her around to get a closer look
"Hahaha she has a back nip!!! Oh wait no it is just a mole...false alarm... just a mole" she looked around some more and
Stared shooting the strippers
"Omg look at that laddies shoulders!!!!! They look like boobs!!!! Hahahaha look mrs shoulder titties is gonna die!!! She blew the girls head off and then turned to the camera. Her face was beautiful she had brown eyes and brown hair and i couldnt help but smile.
"Well guys i really hope you liked that GTA 5 video and if you did slap that like button like its your bitch and tap dat subscribe button like its your friend's hot mom" she finished with a smile. I decided to subscribe to her channel and watch a couple of her videos.
I found out her gamer tag was the same as her youtube channel. I quickly went to my Xbox and sent her a friend request.
I finally fell asleep and when i woke up i checked xbox not even worrying about breakfast or any thing else. she accepted my request. I guess you can say i was really happy. noticed she was online so i sent her a party invite. We got to talking and from what i found out the guys would love her.
"Hey i am going to do a video today do you maybe wanna be in it?" I ask a little scared she would say no.
"Omg that would be amazing" but then she covers it up trying to not sound like a fangirl.
"Hahahaha great let me invite them to the party" i text all the boys telling them to get on xbox bc i had a suprise
Lui-??? Im scared
H20-oh no what is it now?
Daithi-0.o ok???
Wildcat- ok ^~^
Basically- ummmm sure??
Mini- i wonder wat it can be *evil laughter*
I smiled at all of there replies and saw them one by one get ob xbox. I sent them all a party invite.
Time for them to finally meet Justine!

Under Age
أدب الهواةJustine Ramos is a youtuber who post gaming videos she soon gets an xbox party invite from her idols. the next day her dad gets a job in Ireland. Will she then fall for her idol or is she to young for him.