Part Thirteen: The reason why

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"I started to kill when I was very small. I guess ... when I were able to think on my own? So ... let's say I started to kill when I was 6 years old. I didn't know numbers in this age, so I can't even tell when I started to kill people. Why I killed them ... it feels like it just happened yesterday when I killed my first person. I was walking down a side street at night and ... heard a little girl screaming and a man whispering with an angry voice. Being this young, I was so curious that I walked to the direction and ... the man was covering the mouth from the little girl, trying to raping her. For some reason ... I knew this was wrong. The girl was crying and looked so scared ... I grabbed a broken flask and run over to them, killing the man by stabbing the sharp side into his neck."

I close my eyes, cross my arms over my chest and lean back against the chair and my head back. "He was coughing blood. All of his ... warm blood fell onto me and he was laying on the ground, squirming, kicking ... looking so pathetic I wanted to laugh. When he laid there, the little girl passed out from fear and ... I just grabbed her, dragging her away from the dead body and leaving her in front of the hospital when none was around. I was knocking on a window from a room where light was, I guess it was a doctor, and ... I was watching from far away that people rushed out and brought her into the hospital."

I laugh a bit and open my eyes a little. "From that point on ... I killed every person who wanted to or already raped people. I didn't cared if it was a woman or a man. For me ... were this people who raped others ... just garbage you need to get rid of. It was disgusting me just to look at such a person. Do you know this feeling? Feeling so disgusted just to be with one person in a room you hate so much? ... I wanted to throw up so badly when I get put into a cell with a person who raped other."

I sit up normal, starting to laugh. "But for some reason ... it was starting to make fun to kill these scum. Getting rid of from this garbage no one else is doing. Why not telling the police? ... Like they can even do something. All they did was putting this garbage into prison, letting them out after a few years so they can rape others again."

I look down to the table, not able to hold back my laughter. "After I killed a few with these broke flask ... one of them had for the very first time a knife with them. Since then ... I started to use this knife. Sometimes I even gave these scum three of five seconds to run away, but all of them ended up getting killed. I didn't needed to take care of these bodies, since others cleaning up the mess I made. Stabbing them over and over again into their chest, hearing them scream before they die and beg for their life ... it was making me laugh so hard I couldn't stop."

I sigh with a smile and glance up to Sachi. He stares at me with widened eyes, not really looking like he will say a word for a while. I chuckle and stand up, walking over to him. "It's not like I want to kill Osomatsu, Ichimatsu and Todomatsu. From what I heard and saw ... their punishment is something I don't see as rape. Don't ask me why I see it this way, but that's how it is."

Sachi flinch when I stop next to him and lean down, but he looks afraid when I grabbed suddenly his gun and point it to his head. "Now let's talk about something that doesn't belong to other peoples ears~." I shoot at the camera before pointing the camera back to Sachi. "Do me a favor and place yourself in front of the wall." Sachi stands hesitating up and walks slowly over to the wall, looking scared down. I break the handle from the door and throw it aside, walking over to Sachi.

"I'll say it straightforward to you, Sachi. ... I'll shoot you."

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