Part Four: I only trusted one person

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I open my eyes a little. But when my head realize I fall asleep for real I quickly sit up. "Ah! You're up." I look with my eyes to the voice over.

"You really have a scary face." The one in blue chuckles. My right eye twitch and- "W-What are you doing?!" I bite down my hand hard. To hold back my lust. ... My lust to kill him right now where he stands.

When I taste blood I pull away. "?!" The one in blue grabs suddenly my wrist from my bleeding hand. "Why did you do this?!" He ask a bit angry, but sounds more worried. I stare at him with an blanked expression before jumping out of the bed. I pulled the one in blue with me, but he stands on his legs again.

"I have my reasons." I say calm. When I feel suddenly another hand touching my injuries I quickly rip my arm away and jump back. "Ah ... s-sorry. I just wanted to wipe the blood away and put an bandage around the wound." The one in green said a bit caught off guard.

" ... Never do this again without saying a word. I don't ... like this." I sigh slightly and look away from them. " ... Are you scared of something, (y/n)?" Jyushimatsu ask with his head tilted to the side. Covering his mouth with his sleeve.

I look down to the ground now. '"You know, talking with others can help you to find out if you can trust someone or not."' " ... When I was little I faced death situations like this often." I say calm and look now at the three with half closed eyes. Their eyes widen and I can hear them holding their breath in.

I step forward until I stand right in front of the green one. " ... Just kidding." I smile innocently before stepping a bit back again. "Eh?" "I'm just hungry." I say with a carefree smile. "So you want to eat yourself?!" The green one ask shocked.

I hold my thumb up. He sighs and walks over to me. Wiping the blood away and binding an bandage around. "Say, do you three want to get out of her and sneak over to the kitchen?" "You know there will be a punishment waiting for us if we leave, right?" The blue one ask with a quirked brow.

"That's why I'll tell the guards that I forced you to come with me. I killed so much, they wouldn't ask you three more and this little pain is nothing." I pull my hand back after the one in green is done.

The three looking at each other unsure. I turn to the door, walk over to it and after a few seconds playing around the door unlocks. "I'll leave anyways. I just wanted to ask-" "We come with you."

A smirk made his way up my lips.

~And then...~
We four walk down the hallway. I have my hands behind my head, being very carefree. Since my three cell members followed me, I will listen to them from now on and talk with them. "Y/n, do you really think they will believe you? I mean, we are here for killing much people too." Choromatsu ask confused. I hum and glance up to the ceiling, thinking. "Sachi said no prison had any information about me, so I'm guessing they wanna talk anyways with me. But I don't see any reason why I should say single word about my past~." I chuckle with an evil smirk resting on my lips.

"You don't like your past, Y/n!?" Jyushimatsu ask me very curious, but he is keeping his open mouth smile. I cross my arms over my chest and think about it. "Well ... it's not like everything was pure shit. There was a time ... what changed my whole life. I guess without this event I would had killed more people." I smile happy to myself while thinking back to the day where I met her. " ... May I ask why you acted so cold before and now you are so open?" Karamatsu ask with a cool smile. "I don't trust other humans at all, so I'm having a bad time getting close to others. But you three are pretty funny, so why not?" I ask chuckling.

I see their cheeks turning a light red, but I don't really think much about it. Maybe they just feel warm or anything. 'I already saw a few security cameras and I wouldn't be surprised if anyone saw us already, but ... it's so exciting to see how this prison will handle me~. I think they will just throw me away like garbage, just like every other prison.'

After a while walking, we four arrive the kitchen and I open the door with ease. "?!" I stop and hum when the cold metal of a gun gets pressed against my forehead. Just in the moment I opened the door, one guard stepped out and stopped me from moving. I hum with an smug smile on my lips, not looking very effected from it. "What? You don't wanna end my life?" "Don't get cocky now. Why are you four out of your cell?" One guard ask with narrowing eyes. He wears a uniform who reminds me on the military.

I push his gun to the side with my index finger, not minding if he shoot me dead or not. He narrows his eyes at me. "I forced them to leave with me my cell. I was really hoping a dumb guard like you-?!" He suddenly grabbed me by my collar and forced me down to the ground. He step his foot down onto my head, so I can't get up. But what is surprising me is, that he doesn't start to stand on my head only to hear me screaming. I hear other footsteps coming out of the kitchen, but I can't see the two people who stepping out. "Since you are new, Number 28, we skip the punishment part today. I need to talk to you anyways, so we don't have time for that. Number 2, 3 and 5 ... you go back into your cell. He might forced you, so for now on I will believe him. But next time, you three get a punishment. Ichimatsu. Todomatsu. Show them the way."

Karamatsu, Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu need to leave, so only me and this guard are left. The foot on my head gets removed and the guard grabs my arm, lifting me up from the ground again. I hum when he pats the dust off from my back and butt, before starting to walk. Since I doesn't want to end up punished now, even if I don't care, I follow him without complaining. 'This guy looks not like he is open for a few jokes. ... But that only means for me to keep an eye on this guy.'

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A/N: I apologize that it took so long🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
I try to find motivation, but sometimes it just vanish so fast away. I try to update this book a bit longer, but the updates will be slow.

I'm sorry for everyone who wants to know how this story goes on. I try to be faster.

Thank you for reading and have an awesome morning/day/evening ^ w^///

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