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John sighed and put on his hoodie. He laid in bed, he felt like a bother. He lived with Hercules Mulligan at this time. He started having flashbacks from when he was with his dad

One day, Hercules had broke into John's house because he wouldn't answer him after John sent a message saying that no one would care for him. When Hercules walked in, he saw Henry (John's dad) beating John, John was already on the floor, crying and bleeding, begging his father to kill him already. Hercules being Hercules, started grabbed John and ran out. At first, john was very angry at herc and kept telling him that this wasnt needed and that he would be fine but as time went on, John started getting comfortable at herc's place.

John's mind started racing, he started crying. He knew that he was safe but, he felt like he dad was there. He felt like something was there. He got up and pulled at his sleeve some before walking out of the room. The feeling of someone being there got stronger. He slowly made his way downstairs to see Marquis de Lafayette standing in the door frame. He wiped his eyes and sighed but then a little man popped out from Laf, his hair in a ponytail, he had a little facial hair, he looked like hes been through hell and back and that he haven't slept in a week.

W-who is that man? john questioned to himself.

Hercules was talking to laf, John wasnt close enough to hear the whole conversation, just parts of it. One part he heard was about a guy named Alexander Hamilton. Is that the man? John thought to himself. He knew that he shouldn't be in their business. He sighed and went back upstairs but, he just couldn't get the image of the man out of his head. He sat on the bed and sighed, wondering why Lafayette and that man was there, especially at that time of night. He laid down and sighed. Soon he fell asleep

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