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Another day at the forest


"What could i do today?"

"Ahh maybe i can buried scouts today..ah yes " the titan then explore the forest to check if they are scout in the area.

This became a routine to the titan every day she checked the forest to find humans and buried them since this is the only that can help them....

Ever since she last encountered humans she got traumatized to them...yes your right a 20 meter titan scared of humans...

she doesn't want to hurt them so she avoid them. She's scared that they'll kill her so she doesn't go near them.

"Ahh so 15 corpes for today.. ah i need to tramform into a human again"

"Manu"she said then a ligth came it show a beautiful girl with a white hair with a highlight of black and a blue eyes name talya

"Manu"she said then a ligth came it show a beautiful girl with a white hair with a highlight of black and a blue eyes name talya

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Sorry for the short chapter

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