dean // eight

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A/N: This one is a bit long and sad. I have a song you just HAVE to listen to while reading this one. 

                                          🎼 -Godspeed - Frank Ocean- 🎼

This hunt had gone terribly bad. You were harmed very badly and bleeding near death. "Y/n you stay with me!" Dean yells angrily from the drivers seat. You were bleeding all over your fiancés backseat. He blamed himself for letting the demons capture and torture you. "I-It's not your fault hon," you choke out. "Don't you dare say that it's not my fault Y/n!" he yelled. You jumped a little at his sudden outburst. "I was supposed to stay with you but I walked out, thinking you were already waiting outside for me," he gripped the steering wheel. "C-Cas, we need you buddy," you pray aloud. Dean looks at you through the rearview mirror with a sad look. You hear the flutter of wings and see Cas sitting in the front seat of the Impala. "Y/n called for me," he said in his usual monotone voice.  "She needs to be healed. Now!" Dean snapped. "Hey, Dean relax," you sooth him with your voice. "I'm afraid I cannot do that," he said blandly. "What do you mean by that Castiel! Huh?!" Dean makes him slightly jump. "I mean I can't heal Y/n right now," he says plainly. "WHY NOT!" Dean screams. "Because, it's time Dean," Cas says with a sad smile. You suddenly understand and that your time on Earth is done. You've served your purpose. Now it's time to leave in peace. "Impossible," Dean says with angst. Cas disappears with a sigh. "Dean, we should talk about this. My time has been served on Earth, you have to go on without me," you say as he speeds up on the backroad. 

"Just know, you might not be waking up next me for a while. You might not get to say goodnight to me ever again, or say I love you again, or even hold my hand again. Just promise me one thing..." you say, beginning to feel lighter every second. "And what would that be," he wipes a tear from his face. "Promise me, you won't be a mess, promise me you won't ever forget me, ok?" you begin to cry, thinking about Dean and everyone you're about to leave behind. He hurriedly pulls up to the Bunker and carries you, bridal style, inside and sets you down like a sheet of glass on his bed. He ignored your comment earlier in the Impala. "I promise Y/n," he says, placing his forehead on yours. Your hand approaches the side of his face. You run your thumb across the stubble on his cheek. "I will always be here," you say as you pull him and yourself together. Your guys' lips meet and then you pull away, looking into his beautiful, green eyes for the last time. You let out a shaky last breath and drift away to the sound of Dean crying.

He then runs away to go get Castiel and Sam as you feel peace around you, until you're completely faded away.

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