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Tip one: NEVER yell at family because sometimes its to late to say sorry.
Tip two: never be afraid to love fiercely
Tip three: live like its your last day
Tip four: you ARE the main character

Hi! I'm Carter Janie Willow and yes i know at first thought carter sounds like a boys name but my mother wanted to fully embrace having a daughter and still being a strong independent woman. You see my mother is who i thrive to be she doesn't follow the rules and beats to the sound of her own drum. She left home at 18 after telling her father to go fuck himself being 8 months pregnant with me and becoming the number one top body guard for the princess of Corisana which is a little tiny island in Europe.

After my mother moved across to the other side of the world she shortly gave birth me! She and princess soon to be queen Scarlett Lilian Rosewater had became close due to the fact that the both of them were pregnant and neither of the fathers were in the picture and let me tell you that was an extreme no no for royals to do but my mother spoke up and defended the young princess when no one else wanted to be a signed to her. After my mother gave birth to me 10 minutes later the princess went into labor and my mother got out of bed to go hold Scarlett's hand and support her through labor she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Victoria Olivia Rosewater. After they both got some rest they decided to make each other guardians of each other's child for worst case situations. So....technically I'm royalty....kinda???

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