Present Day: June 1st (Carter's POV)

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"Young miss' its time to start your day, Miss Ri in the courtyard" who's Ri your thinking? Ri is my mother Riley Addison Willow she goes by Ri for short. Shoving my face into my pillow trying to go back to sleep "thud thud" "Carr!!! Get up!!! I'm not doing extra laps because your late again" grunts Vi has she continues to throw pillows at me from across the room. I nestled down into my soft plush sheets trying to avoid Vi's attack of pillows hoping she just leaves me alone to sleep. Just has I had drifted back of to sleep Vi leaped out of the corner of the room jumped onto my bed and elbow dropped me right in the stomach. My eyes shot open and i left out a low groan grabbing my stomach curling up into the fedal position. Vi sat with her eye glinting with amusement "i told you to get up now maybe next time you'll get up." I just glared as she skipped away to go shower. "Are you sure you can shower by yourself or do you need assistance your royal hig—" I ducked just in time for a brush to come hurling against the wall where i head had been. I got dressed in my high waisted black leggings with side pockets to keep multiple knifes in along with flex cuffs tucked in my neon purple high impact sports bra. I sleeked my hair back into a high ponytail grabbing my battered work out shoes that were made just for my feet. By the time i was done Vi came out wearing high waisted leggings with pockets sliding a knife in the the pocket and shoving pepper spray in her high impacted sports bra and has always no shoes. Vi always instiented that she wanted to feel the ground under her feet to have a better feel of what she's doing.
    Hearing our chatter mom called out "VC your late!!!!" VC is what she calls us because its rare that where one is the other isn't very far behind so she came up with VC or CV whoever she sees first. "Sorry mom!!!" V says quickly while her face flames red with nervous. "Your fine honey i know its not your fault" as i feel my mother glaring at me. We started off with a warm up jog and then we played out different situations were V was being hurt or kidnapped. I always hated doing these stimulations because i would never let V come to harm at all!! Even if it meant that i wouldn't make it out but V would. V started training with me because she refuses to accept me dying as an option. Watching my mom coaching V on how to cross press her attacker laying face down on the ground while she lays across their chest using her body weight on them and see if she can put flex cuffs on the attacker. While i saw watching so I could help V improve Scar came walking over "She's really trying her best isn't she?" "Oh! Hi mom yeah she really is doing great! I don't know why she thinks she has to do this but there's no talking her out of it." Wrapping her arms around me "Honey I love you both so i say this lightly biologically you are not sisters but in her mind none of that matters and you are just has important as she is in this world." Plopping a kiss on my head Scar watches until class ends.

     The next part of our day i really loved it was with Scar showing us how to cook, pay bills, handle the kingdoms requests, problems, paying staff, and my favorite was when we had cocoa while we read different books that let us escape our little island just for a little bit. Today's lesson was how to make pasta from scratch with home made sauce. "Alright ladies grab your carts get ready and go go go!!!" *scar liked to teach us like she's on one of those fancy cooking shows and everything is timed" i gripped my cart racing through the royal pantry grabbing the first thing on the list which was 4 eggs from the fridge skidding around the corner avoiding running into V i grabbed a bag 00 flour, a bottle of olive oil starting to race to my station i realized that i needed sea salt not regular salt so i had to turn around as I headed Scar yell 4 3 2 i grabbed the sea salt bottle and sprinted like my life depended on it to my station has V was trailing behind me. "AHA!!! I MADE IT FIRST!!!!" V stuck her tongue out at me for getting to my station first while i grinned from ear to ear. "Alright my little bee's fist step take your flour pour it on the counter in a pile then make a circle in the pile to cradle the egg once it's cracked open. After you've cracked the eggs you will sprinkle salt over the eggs adding a splash of the olive oil. Second step with fork start to whisk the eggs together slowly adding the surrounding flour into the mixer until its nice and thick. Then use your hands to fold the dough into a loose ball and knead until its smooth and elastic. Third step form the dough into a ball and let it sit for 30 minutes." "Now while the dough sits lets start on making the sauce! Now do you want to make traditional sauce or Alfredo sauce???" "Alfredo!!!" V and i both practical yelled while Scar smiled widely. I ran to the pantry grabbing butter, heavy whipping cream, minced garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, and fresh Parmesan!! At my station i added the cream and butter to my skillet letting it simmer for about 2 minutes, added in the garlic, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper for just a few minutes, the last step is adding the cheese!!!!! Once everything was nice and creamy I moved it to the warmed plate covering it with a lid. I grabbed my dough rolling it out with my hands then fed it through the pasta maker then the cutter. Taking my fresh cut pasta i gently put it in a pot of well salted water and boiled to desired softness. Scar tasted both of our pasta' deeming them acceptable to be served for dinner!

           Scar dismissed lessons for me early today giving me free time to go ride my horse Blackstar, he was given to me as a little girl from Mr and Mrs Bots the grounds and stable hands, Blackstar would follow me around the barn has soon as he could walk never letting me out of his sight of long. I'm the only one who's ever ridden Blackstar let alone groom him. He can be stubborn but when it comes to me he would let me alway groom him without even a neigh. I found Blackstar in the fields with the others, he jerked his head up as soon as i reached the gate. Trotting up to me letting out a neigh i opened the gate wide enough for him to slip out. Running my hands down his nape i whispered ready for a ride boy? He stomped his feet with excitement has i climbed the fence throwing my leg over his side.  We don't believe in saddles Blackstar and i we feel like it takes away from the bond between us. I trust him and he trusts me that's all we need. I lightly pressed my heels against his sides, we took off at a loose trot once we were far enough into the fields Blackstar and i took off letting the wind whip through us i let out a whoop and he let out a happy neigh. I loved the feeling of his muscles moving so smoothly it was like we moved has one. Blackstar took us to our favorite spot a secluded pond hidden by dozens of weeping willows that Scars great grandparents planted themselves.

              I didn't know that i had dozed off until i felt Blackstar nudging me with his nose neighing softly, stretching "I'm sorry boy I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. Oh! It's getting late we have to get you back for dinner before anyone notices we are gone or that I'm not wearing that dumb helemt V wants me to wear I shivered at the thought of facing her wrath. I inhaled enjoying the cold crisp evening air, feeling it whip through my hair shaking it loose from my ponytail. Once the stables came into view i slid off quietly as possible leading the way as we hid in the shadows to the door. "You know if your sister would find out that your not wearing this she would be extremely upset with you" i jumped whirling around in a defense stance has i see my mom there with a smirk on her face holding my helemet."you scared me!!! Wait wait what are you doing in here??? Am i in trouble???" "No your not in trouble dinner is about to start i noticed that you were back yet so i came down here to bring you to dinner. Now go get cleaned up before Scar and Vic send out an army to find you." She said leaning down to kiss my head. "'Yes ma'am. I love you mom." " I love you too moon bean" "to the farrest star deeper then any moon crater" i said smiling because i beat her to saying it.

Later that night i was curled up in the study reading a popular book series for the 100th time when my mom came into the room "Hey moon bean, i have something i needed to talk to you about if you have a second." "Sure anything for you mom what's up?" With a deep sigh "Well honey as you know its the beginning of summer and we are preparing for our annual dance but its going to be different this year." "What do you mean different????" ""Well this year V is going to have a chance to start a courtship with young men if she chooses to but here's the plot twist....since technically Scar is your legal guardian they are coming for well i would like it if you at least gave the idea a good thought." I narrowed my eyes curling my lip at the thought for being soly dependent on a stupid guy who could just leave in a blink of an eye with no remorse "ill go for V and V only there's no changing my mind because nothing will separate us ever!" Mom nodded her head resting her hand on my knee "I just want you happy moon bean that's all I could ever want" Chewing on my lip I thought of the different possibilities, V moving away being queen somewhere else leaving our perfect bubble leaving our parents to die here alone with no one else but themselves the thought made my heart hurt. I don't know what i want for myself or even what V wants. But what really bothers me is the fact that i don't know what I want

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