Present Day: June 1st (Victoria's POV)

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I was just starting to wake when I heard Mrs.Wolf knocking on the door telling us Ri was waiting for us making my heart race with excitement, looking over I saw C sprawled out with drooling coming out of her mouth. "Carr!!! Get up I'm not doing extra laps because you're late. Again!" C didn't even move an inch laughing quietly I grabbed some of my pillows starting to toss them across the room hitting C's head. She tried to crawl under her blankets. With a sneaky grin, I tiptoed over to the corner taking a running start I jumped into the air landing on C with my elbow to her stomach. Yes!! A successful elbow drop!!!!!!! Walking away grinning "I told you to get up, maybe next time you'll get up." Grabbing my shower bag I took off skipping into the bathroom when I heard C throwing a dig at me being a princess so I did your typical response which was to throw a hairbrush at her head. You see I'm not your average princess, my mom got pregnant by some guy who isn't in the picture, and C's mom is technically my other legal guardian. Ri and my mom had bonded over the fact that they were both pregnant at the same time with girls and no father in the picture. never in my life have I wanted to be a strong independent woman like my mother and Ri. Mother and Ri decided that it was best to just take the time to teach C and I themselves, in the morning we have training with Ri which use to be just Ri teaching C how to protect me, but once I learned that if it would never come to it I would live but C would not. that did not sit right with me so I demanded to be part of the training class so I was some stupid defenseless girl but instead a fierce independent kick-ass princess that needed no man just like mother.

Once we got the courtyard Ri gave C a stern look for being late I feel bad because Ri has never blamed me for being late. I sat on the ground watching Ri walk C through different situations that could possibly happen when we are out and about in the real world. it is kind of boring watching them practice when I want to be the one out there learning how to fight. after Ri had me, stand-in, for a few situations it was my time to practice my skills!! I've been working on the cross press which was for when my attacker was face down on the ground, I put my whole body weight on them laying across their back or chest if they aren't face down. today's goal was to be able to grab my flex cuff out of my pocket to put them on Ri without losing control or getting a leg/fist to the face this time. Focusing on bringing Ri down to the ground I leg swept her trying to make her lose her balance then followed that with kicks and jabs until I got Ri on the ground I twisted her arm wrapping my flex cuff around the one arm reaching for the second Ri began to get away from me I took my shoulder slamming into the side of her face shoving my knee into her back finally getting the flex cuff on her free hand!!!! Wooooooohoooooooo!!!!! I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ri rolled over looking at me with so much pride I noticed the side of her face red from where I slammed my knee into it. wincing "I'm sorry Ri!!!!" "Don't apologize!! I'm so proud of you!!! Soon you'll be just as tough as C!! Now help me up and class is dismissed CV. Scar is waiting for you both."

Next was cooking with mother we are making homemade pasta and sauce!! I always loved it when we made things from scratch even though its time consuming I feel like it tastes better because its made with love which you don't get that with food from the store. Mother likes to teach us as if we were on a cooking show, C takes it way to serious she as is zooming to get back to her station first while I like to take my time finding the best products even though the royal pantry is always stocked with only the finest on the island. hearing my mother yelling "2,1" I took off running back as C went sprinting in front of me to beat me like always. sticking my tongue out at her I'm making my mission to make better pasta and sauce then C!! Taking my time I beat the egg with care slowly adding the flour to get a nice dough mixture, after kneading into a ball I wrapped up my dough letting it sit while I started to work on the sauce. "while we let our dough sit shall we make traditional sauce or alfredo?" Literally jumping up and down "ALFREDO!!!!!!" I busted out laughing as C and I yelled it at the same time, we looked at each other laughing. I took loff to the pantry grabbing all my indrients skidding back to my station. Once the sauce was made mother told us that our pasta would be served for dinner since we did such an amazing job.

      Classed was dismissed early which was weird, "victoria! Please stay after so I can talk to you about important matters "  my back stiffened at the tone of mothers voice, i shot a glance at C who just returned my very confused look. I followed mom to her office sitting on the soft velvet chair waiting for mom to lay whatever she was about drop on me. "Sweetie at
This next dance we will have an opportunity to find someone to be with if you choice or what I call them a sperm you can carry on our legency by having a strong daughter, the choice ultimately yours to make my dear." I sat there in shock letting the information really sink in. I never had given it thought that I could find love or even had my own daughter to raise. I mean I only just turned 18 my life is just beginning to learn about myself and our kingdom which I didn't want to give up or ever not have C around I've grown custom to our little quiet bubble. Numbingly i walked out of mothers office bumping into Scar on my way out not hearing anything she said I stumbled down the hall looking around I pushed the corner torch up making a secret passageway appear. I disappeared quickly letting the wall shut with a quiet swoosh I climbed the stairs quickly until I reached the top that opened up into a huge plush carpeted room that was filled with books from the ceiling to floor, pillows scattered all across the room, stech pads with half drawn pictures, a small tv we could watch movies on, it was quiet I shoved my face into a pillow letting out a frustrated scream. I felt Groot my huge forest cat nudging me meowing loudly I pulled groot close burying my face in his fur "oh groot! I'm not sure what I want to do and the dance isn't that far away....I wish I knew where C was so we could talk about this. I'm not even sure she knows.....and I want to do what she wants since she's given so much up for me. That was my last thought before I was consumed by darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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