7. deep dark and dangerous

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After getting back to the house killua goes and sets his stuff down on the bed. I when upstairs to go change into my bikini. After changing I realized that it wasn't exactly my size. The top was a little too tight for comfort but it was too late to return it since it had been on a sale. I look into my mirror and start to get a little self-conscious so I put an (F/C) sundress over my swimsuit. I walk downstairs and killua was already waiting which made me feel bad.
"You ready to go then?" He asked looking up at me.
"Oh yeah sorry for having you wait." He gave you a small but genuine smile, it instantly melted your heart. He got up and you two began your trip to the beach. The beach was pretty close to your house so it wasn't a long walk.

Time skip at the beach~

killua found a spot on the beach and set up. While I was putting on sunscreen killua took off his shirt. I caught myself staring at his six-pack I could feel my face getting hot. Killua caught your gaze and smirked. You looked away as fast as humanly possible.
"Looks like miss Y/N has a bit of a staring problem"
You were so embarrassed you thought you're where going to pass out
"ahhhs imm sort kiilluaa"
I attempt to apologize but it just came out as a mush of words. I could hear killua letting out a small giggle. He grabbed my hand and attempt to pull me into the water but I refused not only because I was dying of embarrassment but also because I still had my sundress on. Killua quickly realized why and let go of my hand. I took off my sundress and notice a certain white-haired boy looking at me. I looked towards him and see a blush apper on his cheeks. He looked away. I giggled at his embarrassment. In a matter of seconds,s I was swept off my feet.  look over to see who had picked me up, Sure enough, it was killua. He gave me a smirk and started walking towards the lake holding me bridal style. He threw me into the lake causing a big splash. Once I came up to the surface I saw killua who was. now in the water practically dying of laughter. I wasn't having any of that so I jumped on top of his shoulders causing him to fall forward once we came up for air all that could be heard was our laughter. I splash killua in the face causing him to have a shocked expression as I swam deeper into the lake to get away from the blue-eyed boy.

He caught up to me and pushed me under the water.


A few moments pass and you still haven't come up for air. Killua began to panic and went under to find you.

The water was rather deep probably around 7ft. The cold water surrounded you. You continue to struggle to swim up towards the surface. Water was starting to enter your lungs and you were starting to slip into unconsciousness. Then you felt a pair of warm arms around you.

 But...you're Not Real 🦋 (killuaxreader) Where stories live. Discover now