The Blue Shadow Virus

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"General Kenobi, Anakin, we're so glad-"

"Where's Senator Amidala?" Skywalker asks immediately.

"She went to look for the lab." Captain Typho explained as they all stepped off the ship.

"And you let her go?" Skywalker asks in frustration.

"Senator Padmé can be very hard to stop once she has made up her mind." The golden protocol known as C3PO tells them.

"Good point. I know what you mean." Skywalker says quietly.

"This is Peppi Bow." Typho points to a pink Gungan. "She was the last person to see them. Padmé sent her here to safety."

"Theysa looking for the sick-maker." Peppi says.

"They?" Kenobi asks as Kaylie gives Typho a confused glance.

"Representative Binks was with her." Typho explains and R2-D2 beeps from in between Jake and Ahsoka.

"Go with the Gungan. See if you can find them." Anakin turns to Ahsoka.

"You've got it, Master." Ahsoka replies as she walks up to a ship with the Gungan following close behind.

This is a......... weird situation. During the mission briefing, they were told that someone captured Senator Amidala, who Skywalker is very close to, and they just learned they caught 'Jar Jar' too while they were looking for some sort of disease that infected an area here on Naboo.

"Why didn't you send someone to look for them?" Skywalker asks Typho.

"Considering the latest developments, we thought it was best to wait for you." Typho answers.

"What latest developments?" Master Kenobi asks.

"Follow me." Typho answers and he escorts them to a room with a large holotable which has a Battle Droid head in the dead center.

"We did a robo-lobotomy on the battle droids and came up with this peice of memory." Typho says and a hologram of some really tall and skinny guy with white skin and black around his eyes while holding a bomb pops up.

"Who is that?" Kenobi asks.

"Dr. Nuvo Vindi, the senior medic for the Perma families. He disappeared ten years ago." Typho says and Vindi starts talking.

"Good news, my soulless automaton friends. We now have enough of the blue shadow virus to start filling the bombs." He says and Kaylie's mouth falls open.

The blue shadow virus was a very deadly and destructive disease that was destroyed years ago. They won't be able to handle the quickspreading virus and the war at once.

"He said bombs." 3PO notes.

"We will only need to send one bomb to each key star system. Work quickly. I want them ready to deliver-" He says as the hologram dies down.

"Was I the only person that heard what virus he just said?" Kaylie asks.

"If those bombs get delivered, we'll be facing a galaxy-wide plague." Obi-Wan says, "The war will be the least of our worries."

"There is some good news." Typho tells them and a building/hall system appears on the holotable. "Senator Amidala found the lab. She sent us the coordinates before she disappeared. We've managed to get a geo-scan of the area."

"It's enormous." Obi-Wan says as they stare at the mapping of the lab.

"It looks like there are three entry points. Here, here, and here." Typho says as three different 'rooms' turn red on the holotable.

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