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I groan as I open my eyes and look around the room. "What the hell?" I mumble when I finally process the unfamiliar surroundings. I jump when I hear the door open. "There is no need to be frightened." A lady who looked to be a doctor said as she walked over to me. "Where am I? How did I get here?" I ask. "You'll find that out soon enough." She says as she takes the hand cuffs off of me. "Now follow me." I stand up and follow her down the hall. As we are walking she explains where I am and how I got here. "So there are other people like me here?" I ask. She nods as she stops in front of one of the many doors. "This is your room. You can get dressed and then come to the group room when you're ready to meet everyone." She tells me. I nod and walk into the room. I shut the door behind me and quickly get changed. I smile when I see my locket lying on the bed next to my clothes. I pick it up and put it on before walking out and heading towards the group room. I slowly open the door and walk in. "Everyone this Nyx Evermore. She just got here today so please be nice to her." Dr. Reyes says as she looks at the other kids. She gestures for me to sit down. I look around and see that the only open chair is the one by a boy with a cast on his arm. "It's ok. He doesn't bite." I hear one of the girls chuckle. I hesitantly sit down before returning my gaze to the floor. "Nyx, would you like to share with everyone what your abilities are and why you're here?" Dr. Reyes asks. "Not really, but I guess I don't really have a choice." I sigh. "I can make poison come out of my skin. I'm also immune to all types of poison and venom." I explain. "Why are you here?" The boy next to me asks. "I'd rather not talk about it." I mumble. Dr. Reyes sighs and shakes her head. "You're all dismissed. Sam would you please show Nyx around?" She requests. "Sure." The boy says. He stands up and I follow him out of the room. "So poison, huh?" He says as we walk down the hall. "Yeah." I mutter. "Can you control it?" He questions. "Most of the time. I still lose control every once in a while." I explain. Sam nods and leads me into a room that looks to be where everyone hangs out. I tense when I look up and see a camera in the corner of the room. Sam laughs a little and looks down at me. "She's always watching us. Doesn't matter where we go." He tells me. "That's just creepy." I whisper. "Yeah but you get used to it." He says as he sits on the couch. He pats the cushion next to him and I slowly sit down. "So where are you from?" He asks. "Indiana." I tell him. "Oh so we've got another country princess." A blond girl says as she sits in the chair next to the couch. "Shut up Illy." Sam barks. "What I'm just having a little fun." She says as she holds her hands up. Sam rolls his eyes and I jump when I hear someone sit on one of the chairs next to me. "Sorry. Didn't mean to spook ya. I'm Rahne." A girl with a Scottish accent says as she reaches her hand out towards me. "Um I-I don't mean to be rude but I uh I don't shake people's hands. I just don't want to hurt anyone." I mutter. "It's fine. I totally get it." She says. "I'm Dani." The girl sitting next to Rahne says. "I'm Roberto." The other boy says as he snatches Sam's hat off of his head. I laugh a little as Sam yanks it out of his hand. Sam smiles at me as he puts his hat back on. "So why are you here?" Roberto asks. "She said she doesn't want to talk about it." Sam tells him. "Chill out. I was just asking." Roberto says. "Does it have to do with your family?" Dani asks. I nod and look down. "Hey it's ok. Most of us are in here for something like that too." Sam tells me. "Except for me." Illy says. "Why are you here then?" I ask. "I killed 18 men. One by one." She explains. My eyes widen and I scoot a little closer to Sam. "She's not gonna hurt you." He assures me. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Illy mumbles. "Fine. She won't hurt you as long as I'm around." He corrects. "Are we allowed to go outside?" I question. "Yeah. Come with me." Sam says as he stands up and leads me out of the room. We walk down a few hallways until we reach a door. Sam looks up at one of the cameras and waves at it until it unlocks. I smile as the door opens and we step outside. The second my shoes hit the grass I take off running. "Nyx!!" Sam yells as he chases after me. "Nyx stop!" He shouts. I yelp as I hit some sort of invisible barrier and land on my back in the grass. I lift my hand up and wipe the blood out from under my nose. "Shit. Are you ok?" He asks as he kneels next to me. "Are we really trapped here?" I mumble as tears fill my eyes. "Unfortunately." He sighs. "No no no NO!" I scream. "Hey, hey, it's ok. We'll all get out of here one day." He mumbles as he pulls me closer to him. "One day well be free. We can't hide forever." He tells me.

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