flustering the flusterer

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it's been a few days. draco continued with his stupid, snarky comments however this time I did not breakdown, I didnt let him win. I simply just smiled at him and continued whatever I was doing. It seemed to bother him that I wasnt showing how much it hurt me. Why did it hurt me?


Elodie hasnt spoken to me since the night at the astronomy tower. I make comments because I know it's the only way I can communicate with her, the only way I can hear her voice. It didnt hurt that she wasnt reacting, I didnt want to hurt her. It hurt that I hadn't heard her beautiful voice or looked into her emerald, vibrant green eyes. I just need her to respond to something, anything.

Back to elodie:

Potions. My favourite class ever! I sit with blaise and we make incredible potions together- well I do most of the work since its the only subject I'm actually good at and blaise just likes to help when he can.

I was in my own little world, thinking about how I was going to meet up with hermione, harry, ron and Neville later and we would sit by the lake and read or laugh and just enjoy eachothers company.

I snapped out of my excited thoughts and carried on crushing the beetles for the 'draught of peace' potion which is used to relive stress or anxiety. We had to know how to make this so that when it came to sitting our O.W.L exams we would have something to calm our nerves.

Draco had been glancing at me all lesson. It wasnt a rude glare or a dirty look... more like a longing stare or a lingering gaze. I decided to snap him out of it.

"Draco? I think you'd get more of your potion done if you stopped staring at me and started crushing your ingredients."
I told him in a smug tone that I didnt even know could come out of my mouth

"I- uh- I wasnt staring at you!"
He fumbled over his words as i just smirked to myself knowing i had flustered him


I couldnt help but linger my eyes on her. Skin like silk, her bright, hopeful eyes with a hint of sadness hidden deep inside, lips that looked soft like cotton-

"Draco? I think you'd get more of your potion done if you stopped staring at me and started crushing your ingredients."
She interrupted my train of thought with a tone that I'd never heard from her before

Stunned. I was speechless. I couldnt think of the words to even fire something back. I just helplessly tried to form a sentence.

"I- uh I wasnt staring at you!"
I tried my best to spit out as I blurted a thoughtless mutter of words out of my mouth

I just listened intently as she giggled to herself. That giggle. Shes so sweet sounding even when she is trying to fluster me. She achieved her clear goal. I couldn't even think of what I was doing anymore. I just replayed her addictive voice around and around in my mind. My name just rolled off of her tongue so effortlessly.

The lesson went on and I hardly did a thing, my thoughts landing only on one thing. Elodie pierce.

Back to elodie:

Hermione and I made our way carelessly towards the lake without looking as to where we were going


I hit a body for the second time this week and hoped and prayed that it wasnt the same one as of previously. 

Of course,  it was.

"wAtCh wHeRe yoUrE gOinG"
I mimicked dracos words from a few days ago

He just smirked slightly and continued walking without even looking up at us.

Hermione laughed at my words and then we continued our conversation as we walked the rest of the way to the lake to meet our -patiently waiting- friends.

Another chapter but the last for tonight. Enjoy!

please, dont leave//draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now