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Cain's P.O.V

Life is a strange concept. One day you may know exactly what you are doing then the next life deicides thats not what you want. Im currently on a plane back to my hometown. As I watch the clouds roll by I cant help but wonder about why i still am so lost, why cant I find something to satisfy me enough to keep me in one place. With everything I do it sees like its not good enough, so i travel the world just hoping i can find that one thing. And with that finial thought i drift off into a deep sleep.

I see a Woman in front of me, she is talking but I cant hear her and as i try and tell her my mouth says something else. The woman takes my hand, she looks sad. As i look behind me I see a town, a very unhappy town. Citizens seems to be glaring at me. I look back at the woman and thats when i notice the ring. A wedding ring. This woman is my wife, I cant see her clearly but with what i can see i can tell that she is beautiful. I hear a buzzing sound and everything starts to fade. And now im back in the plane. It was a dream, none of it was real...right?. 

I cant stop thinking about that dream, but mostly on the woman that was in front of me. She was very lovely, i wish i could have stayed asleep for just a little more time then maybe I would know who she is. And i know its weird to get attached to someone whos not even real but i cant help it. I walk blindly to where luggage pickup is while just thinking that maybe if i had that dream again then i could see her again. maybe i could know her name.

As i go and grab my luggage i see a small pink note on my bag, it reads "I have information for you, meet me at Byltriver Mount at 7:45pm" Alright then?.As i get a taxi to come pick me up i get a text from a old friend saying "hey Cain its been so long it would be great if we could catch up". I smile, its been so long since i have seen Lilly, We have been friends since high school. After talking with her for awhile i get to my old house,after i pay my driver i get my lugage and i go inside. My house is pretty old,lived here for years but maybe only stayed in the house for a few years with me being gone so much. The paint is peeling, broken gutters with plants now growing in them,  the shinggles threataning to fall off. The plants around the porch are overgrown, You could get splinters from running you hand over the step railing. It was a very old home, but its mine and i wouldnt have it any other way. The inside is fairly large, wood floors with checkerd kitchen tile. I renovated the funiture so thats all modern but for the most part everything else has stayed the same.

  I go set my stuff down and i notice that i need to go see Len soon so i change and then i start walking. The park we are meeting at is ten minuets away from my house so i didnt have to do much walking. I spot Len sitting down at a table and i walk over and and sit across from them. "Lennon hey, its great to see you again" I say as I sit down "same to you Cain" "so how has your studies been going?" "they have been going great honestly" they says with a smile. You see they are in college to become a graphic designer so while i was out in the world Len stayed here so they can graduate. We talked for a few hours before len had to get back to their dorm room and i had to go meet this mystery person so as Lennon left. I went back to my house and got into my car and drove off.

Once i reach byltriver mount i walk inside, the door was open slightly so i just guess that the person im meant to meet is already there. Instead im greated with a blow to my head and everything goes back as i fall to the ground.

Im in the castle once again, the same woman is in front of me but this time she looks to have been crying, from what i have no idea. Im just standing there, silent and still while she is crying on the floor. I want to move and somehow i willed my arm to reach out to her but before i can touch her she backs away, looking afraid of something..no she lookds terrified of me. But in all that i can tell she is confused as to why i would reach out to her, why i would want to help her...why i being nice?

so...yeah this chapter was late and im sorry about that, school got in the way.  Also so i decided for the first 5 chapters it will start over from the begging of the day and then after that it will start where the last P.O.V left off.- singingwatermelon


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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