Ch 8. Game Time

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A/N: Since I've been taking really long getting the next chapter ready. I decided to split it in half and post what's completed, while I try to finish the rest. So this will be a short chapter, and will be all in Jimmy's POV. Hope you guys enjoy it.


Jimmy's POV

I felt a strong tug on my shirt and gritted my teeth in annoyance. Shaking it off, I continued to dribbled the basketball down the court, and spotted Jack open on my left. I passed the ball to Jack, just as Andy's arm smacked into my chest. Reaching my limit, I let my elbow fly up into Andy's face.

A loud crack was heard as Jack took the shot, with the ball hitting the backboard before falling into the net. I turned to Andy who was holding his nose as blood poured down his chin. Well guess that's game, I thought, as I wiped the sweat off my forhead and walked to a nearby bench.

I pulled a water bottle out of my bag and took a drink as Jack walked over. I gave him a nod and grabbed another bottle and tossed it his way. He caught it easily and thanked me before sitting down on the bench.

"Fuck Jimmy, you didn't have to hit the guy so hard. Now there's blood on the court, and the other guys took off." he said with irritation in his voice.

"Tsk, the guy kept fucking blocking. Next time bring someone who can actually play." I responded just as irritated.

I finished drinking the remaining water, and crushed the empty bottle and threw it into the nearest trash can, making the shot. I grinned and lifted my brows at Jack, as I motioned with my head towards the can.

He silently nodded in acknowledgment, and downed his water. After crushing the bottle he took a step back and threw it at the same can. Also making the shot.

I clicked my tongue, as I gave him a side eye, and sat down on the bench. I could see him smirking as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, opening up the new messages.

Faith is taking Mira shopping? That's not bad, I thought as I read the first message. I would honestly prefer NOT to be involved in the whole picking a dress thing if at all possible. Standing around and waiting, sitting down and waiting, or trying to avoid the wrong answer if asked how they look was the last thing I would ever want to put myself through. Especially since most of my past experiences, with taking girls shopping, always ended in a headache or a fight.

I opened the second message. What the fuck? Ehh, I guess that's not too bad. Faith is doing the hard part, so buying dinner is a good trade off.

I was starting to feel pretty content how everything was turning out, when it dawned on me. I was going to be the only guy in a group of girls. Now normally that situation would be heaven, but not in this case. Since Jack was interested in Stella, and I was strictly in the friend zone with Faith. Then there's Mira, who is.... I'm not sure where we stand actually. But regardless, I was gona be the fourth wheel on their girl date. And I would have to sit around while they eat, giggle, and talk girl shit. I glanced at Jack who was busy playing a game on his phone.

I opened a reply message to Faith. "K. Text me when you guys are almost done. Also might bring Jack with me." I hit send, and placed the phone back in my pocket.

"Well that worked out." I said loud enough to catch Jack's attention.

He looked up from his phone. "Union?" he asked with a frown.

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