Wattpad Original

Author's Note

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Wow, I have so many sappy thoughts about this story. Hahaha.

It saw me through chronic illness and a psychology degree; three moves, Covid, first job, first dates, last maths class I ever hope to attend...

I sound like I'm taking marriage vows over here.

But I learned so much about myself and the world and the wonder of writing through this story! It was the keyslot in the wardrobe that let me peer into a Narnia of dreams I never fathomed.

In the first years after our family immigrated to Spain, I only heard English at home. It was a private, magical language; found only in a few shelves of cracked leather spines that had braved the move. Books, then, were treasures sent me in washed-up message bottles; beautiful secrets to soothe me in the lonelier pains of cross-cultural moves.

To tell me I would write one such message bottle would be like telling a young stargazer they'd one day touch the moon.

Now, the dream I did not know to dream, I hope to be a published writer. To touch the moon, bring back its crumbs, and ship them off in message bottles for those that need a little company.

Wattpad, Great Conveyer of message bottles to forgotten corners of the world, thank you for that. :)

Readers, the thing I love most about genre fiction is that it is like one big family dinner (only every wants to be there lol). We all chat about the same tropes and flavours, styles and presentations. Who said what last week and who absolutely nailed the spice in their passionfruit sorbet, if ya know what I mean? ~.~ We critique each other; share recipes and ideas.

People have been saying the werewolf world is dead. It's not. Our table is very much alive, as you are proof.

So allow me to thank you for sharing my little corner of lemon icing and wine. I'm honoured you sat and stayed for a while.

If you have any thoughts, critiques, flavour notes, etc., send them my way! Good dinner conversation never ends on the last page. ;)

Meanwhile, I hope that as you face the beasts of life, you remember the beauty of raspberries and lemon muffins; flowers in beer bottles and stained glass in broken windows. May your inner wolves be comforted.

The beasts don't win.

Sincerely (cork in message bottle),

karis <3

(The bottle is probably a wine bottle. That's all I drink, really. Maybe should stick to Adult fiction.)

PS Many Months Later:
Thomas' story is underway!

Comfort the Wolves II
As enforcer of the Royal Wolves, Thomas has killed countless monsters. His job returns him home to protect a pregnant mate, only she's hiding monsters too.

Currently being published through Wattpad on Yonder. https://yonder.onelink.me/6vpb/9e6776a6
This format treats Thomas' story as an extension of Comfort the Wolves, so you can pick up where you left off here on Chapter 46: Bleed the Wolves: Lemons and Fury

Let me know if you make it over there in the comments. I will die to read them. xx karis

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