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Title: Drowning Heart
Username: knee-suh
Genre: Teenfiction
Short Description: I never expect to find true love in a dating app. But now I believe that we should expect the unexpected. And I proclaimed that I fall to unexpected person in unexpected time but here we are right now loving each other in the right time.

-Title: A Journey Afterlife
-Username : @dawningdayne
-Genre: Humor -
-Short Description :
Afterlife. Where is it located? Ah! After death- The physical body's death. I wonder what is happening there. I wonder what it looks like.

Who knows what will happen afterlife? Can someone describe what it feels afterlife? What can we witness with our eyes? What can we smell with our noses? What can we hear with our ears? What can we taste with our tongues? What can we feel with our senses? What does it looks life in afterlife? Of course, no one can tell. Only dead people. And there is...

Gabriella, a woman who lived her life as it is. A woman who's an epitome of dauntlessness and independency. A woman with a beauty that everyone admires and delicate in everything she do. A woman who also had her own journey afterlife. Perfect? No. Let's say that lifetime isn't for her. Everyone dies, so she is. Dying includes leaving everything, finish or unfinished. How about unfinished love? Will she be able to continue it afterlife? If lifetime isn't for her, is the eternity will be in favor in her?

Her journey through afterlife starts now.

Title: Love me the most
Genre: Romance
Short: "Can i dance my baby girl?"

-Let's help each other


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