Chapter 4

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Hey there! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the story, this is the last chapter after all... Anyway, I just have a few things to say before you read the the final instalment.

1. There will be a gory scene so be prepared (lol I can't believe I just thought of the song 'Be Prepared' from the Lion King), it may be a little disturbing to some people because of the detail I go in so I am sorry in advance...

2. Radakk, Tahehn and Fiin'kek (though this is stuttered at the end) are all words I have created to act as alternative swear words. I won't tell you what they are because A: I'd rather not write them down and B: because I'm a little interested to know what YOU think they mean. Let your imagination take control, although saying that you should be able to guess what radakk means. I basically give it away...

So that's all I need to say for the moment. Enjoy the chapter and I'll see you at the end.


She stared in horror at the blood soaked room, her lips parted; her eyes wide as they reflected the revolting scene in front of her. Corpses were strung up from the ceiling like pigs in a butcher's shop, the potent, intoxicating smell of iron and copper washing out of the confined space like a torrent of water. The smell of metal clamped around her neck with a vice like grip, suffocating her as the cold air waltzed around the room like a ghost at a masquerade. She shivered at the unsettling scene, frozen in both awe and disgust at the tantalizingly, disturbing displays. Never in her life had she seen such bloodshed.

Part of her wanted to look away, desperate to look away, but she couldn't. Her vision was fixated on the mangled corpses that stared back at her, empty eyed. Her heart raced at the amount of blood that covered not only the corpses, but the entire room. Her breathing became sharp and constricted at the chilling air; her stomach twisting and churning at an awkward angle as she stared, unblinkingly, at a hollow body in front of her, an unsettling gash tearing across its marred and scarred flesh.

The wound started a few inches above the sternum, trailing down to the mid-section of the victim's abdomen. From there, it seemed as if their chest had been viciously ripped open - ribs bent at odd angles, some broken, others missing. Interestingly, most of their organs were also gone, leaving only empty spaces.

The majority of the corpses strung up around the compact room also had the same unsightly wound, guts spilling across the floor in a flood of blood, both dry and fresh meeting and entwining together in a foreign form of marriage. Barely any of the husks of flesh remained intact. All ruined; violated. Each and every cut, slice and splatter of blood acted as the paint decorating a blank canvas.

They were a piece of art.

A collection.

"Radakk" she muttered in a breathless whisper, cursing the monster that had done this. 'At least it explained the missing people...' she thought dejectedly, stumbling backwards as the adrenaline in her system suddenly died down, revealing just how tired and worn her body really was from the whole ordeal.

Was this is all she had to show for her efforts?

As she stumbled, she briefly wondered if her body would just give up; collapse on its own weight. It defiantly felt like it would and she actually didn't mind if it did, but before it could her back collided with something behind her. The contact was surprisingly warm and comforting, and for a moment she indulged herself and let it engulf her in its feather like embrace.

The light, burgundy haired male behind her simple smiled, his calculating eyes closing in bliss as he savoured the sweet moment that he had been waiting for; that he had been craving for all these months. His long, slim fingers twitched with the urge to touch, to wrap around her waist; to pull and hold her close against him.

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