Chapter 6

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Andi's pov
I wake up to a cold wet liquid on my face and I rub my eyes and see Emma
"Emma why would you pour water on me" I say
"Well I tried waking you up and shaking you, but you wouldn't budge so I poured water over you" she says
" oh" I say getting out of Emma's bed and stretched
"Oh you have 10 minutes until we leave for school so hurry up. I'll be down stairs waiting" she says and leaves the room and I get ready and grab all my school stuff and head downstairs to find Daniel and Emma making out on the couch.great just what I need at 7:45 in the morning I say to myself and cough out loud to get there attention and it works and they broke apart and both turned red from embarrassment
"Oh hi um Andi sorry about that" Daniel say scratching the back of his head and looking down in embarrassment
"Yeh yeh. Come on you lovebirds get a move on otherwise we'll be late" I say and they grab there stuff and we leave to school.

At school...

Me and Emma walk to our lockers and put all our books in there.
"Hey do you wanna go see lily about your powers" she asks
"Sure but I don't think I'm ready to tell them about my powers yet cause they think zayn has the powers but he doesn't anymore" I reply as we start making our way to Lily's office.
"Why doesn't he have them anymore" Emma asks
"You really think that zayn could afford to let anyone know about magic cause he gets stalked by a lot of people and he can get caught when using them, so the witches council took his powers away" I say
"Oh ok" she says and we walk into Lilly's office and see lily sitting on her chair
"Oh hi girls can I help you" she asks
"Well I was wondering what does it mean when your magic comes out pink, purple and blue" Emma asks lily
"Why would you wanna know about that" lily asks and Emma elbows my back to think of answer why.
"Well we just came across it when we were umm ... reading the hexorin" I say
"Oh well as you Emma is the choose one I guess you should know" she says
"Well that means that person is the supreme one the most powerful person in the magic realm and the world even more powerful than you Emma by a lot it wouldn't take that much for him or her to get rid of you and everyone else . That also means they have to be a witch/kanay But your more powerful right now because we haven't seen anyone with that sort of power yet." She explains, my eyes widen,omg I'm the most powerful person in the world and more powerful than Emma and she's the choose one , but I don't want to tell the witches council yet I know I'll have to at some point but the witches council will be stalking me all the time and will be telling me what to do. I think I'll tell them later.
"Omg! Andi yo..." Emma's was saying before I cut her of by slapping my hand over mouth.
"What Emma was saying that she's never seen anything like this in her life and and that we're going to be late for class. Yep that what she was trying to say, now we have to go lily, cause we don't want to be late for maths.. So yeh bye" I say pulling Emma out of the room with me
"Emma you were going to tell her" I say
"Sorry I couldn't help it. Your the most powerful person on the world though that's amazing" Emma says
"Shhh keep it down we don't want to get caught. Now come on let's get to class" I say and we walk to class.

At lunch...
Me Emma and the boys and the panthers were all sitting in our usual table talking
"So Andi I heard you and Emma went to see lily about your powers" jax asked
"Yep and you'll never guess what guys" Emma says
"What?!!!" Everyone else say
"Well I'm not the most powerful person in the world anymore" Emma say and they all look at me
"Andi your the chosen one" Maddie says In Shock
"No I'm not the chosen one Emma is still the chosen one" I say
"Then what are you" Diego says
"I'm the supreme one but don't tell anyone especially the witches council" I say
"Ok but you do know there gonna find out anyway" Diego says
"I know but I don't want to tell them yet" I say
"Ok so your the supreme one that's awsome" Katie says
"I guess" I say
" that's why the hex doesn't try too bite you" Diego says
"Hex didn't even know about my powers though" I say
" yeh but didn't you know the hexorin was made by your ancestors Andi" jax says
" what! No" I say
"How do you know about this jax" Emma asks
" ohh well my dad told me about the supreme one and the choose one and he says the ancestors of the supreme one made the hexorin" he says
"Hey why don't we get the hexorin and look at every thing after school and find some more information" Emma says
" sure hex is in my locker" I say
" hey can me Daniel and jax come because we have nothing to do later" Diego say
" sure you guys can walk with us to my house after school" Emma says
"Wait as you guys are coming why don't you come over to my place" I say
"Sure" Emma says
"Oh when I say my place I mean zayns place and the rest of the group" I say
"OMG That means we'll be going to were one direction live" Emma says
"Yeh you guys in" I ask the lads and they agree
"Wait you guys are going to where 1D lives" Maddie asks
"Yep" I say
"Omg can me, Sophie and Katie go Andi" Maddie screams
"Sure why not" i say
"Cool when do we get there" Maddie asks
"Leave that to me" I say and pull my phone out and go to contacts and find zayns number and I press call
"Yo Andi" some one from the other end said but it didn't sound like zayn but then I realise who it is
"Harry what are you doing on zayns phone" I ask
"Ohh well zayn is playing that video game again cause he's kinda addicted to it" he say
"Ok then ... Are you guys here later" I ask
"No we have rehearsal later" he say
"Oh well came and my friends come over later" I ask
"Sure do you need picking up at the school" he asks
"Yep" I say
"Ok I'll get Hugo to pick you up" he says
"Who's Hugo" I ask
"Ohh you don't know yet, he's our personal driver. He's the driver that picked you up from the school a few days ago" he say
"Ohhhh ok thanks I have to go bye" I say
" see ya" he say and hung up and I put my phone away
"Can we come over" Daniel asks
"Yep we're all getting picked up at the end of school" I say
"Will Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam be there" Sophie says
"No they have a rehearsal" I reply
"Ohh ok" Sophie says disappointed
" omg we're going to one directions house" Maddie says and her and the panthers and Emma squeal and clap there hands and me and the boys just roll our eyes
"Man those girls are crazy" jax says and chuckles
"Yep" the boys say and then the bell goes off and then we all walk to our last class of the day.

Well that was chapter 6xx hoped you liked it😋 Stay cute💞💫

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