#1 lost and found

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I sighed as I dragged my feet across the ground while I walked.....ive been walking around with no clear direction for about two hours now and everything hurts, not to mention that I'm tired. I don't even know what time it is since I dropped my phone while I was running way from......kaito. "Damn butterfingers!" I yelled as I kicked the wall beside me in anger......i heard a crack and a snap  as a sharp pain shot through my leg.....i immediately fell on the ground of the alleyway as I yelled in pain. The pain was so bad I felt like I was going to throw up not to mention the sight of my own blood made the urge to vomit stronger. I cautiously rolled up my pant leg and saw the broken bone it wasn't sticking out of my leg or anything but you could pinpoint exactly where my leg had broke just by looking at it

Then I felt something strange. A weird coldness on my shoulder then on my head. It was raining. The rain almost immediately started to pick up getting harder by the minute.....if I ever do find my phone again it's going to be busted.....i just couldn't hold it together anymore.....i layed on the ground of the alleyway, curled up into a ball, and cried.

Why? Why is this happening to me? How could this day possibly get worse? Kaito finally had enough of me and tried to kill me so I had to run away, im lost, it's raining, my phone is definitely broken, my leg is bleeding and broken, I don't even know what time it is for gods sake! What could possibly- "hello? are you okay" I heard a voice comeing from beside me. I jumped slightly as I looked at whoever got my attention. A robot? A robot in a school uniform was standing there with a worried look on his face....the blood loss must be getting to me already "your leg! Here let me see it" He said as he reached for my leg "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled, making him back away slightly "don't worry I don't want to hurt you" The robot said gently.

I decided to trust him.....i was probably going to regret this but it's not like I had any other options, what would I do? Crawl away? Like that would do anything, let's face it if he wanted to kill me he would've done it already. I sighed as I stretched my leg out straight "just.....Please be careful" I mumbled.....i hated how defenseless I was at that moment "....i will try" The robot said as he looked at my leg, before he pulled some gauze out of somewhere, I don't know where I wasn't paying attention, and wrapped it around my leg tightly which made me wince "you should get that checked out by a medical professional before it gets infected but that will work for now....do you need help getting to your home? If so I could carry you" He said as he let me go....oh he must think I live here

"i-i don't even know where I am...." I admitted lightly as the urge to cry returned. the robot seemed confused "what do you mean by that" He said as he tilted his head slightly "I'm not from around h-here I was running away from someone and I got lost and I can't call any of my friends because my phone is broken" I rambled as I began crying once again, wallowing in self pity. ".....here let's get you out of the rain and you can talk about it inside" He said as he picked me up and brought me inside his house.....i was so happy that I was out of the rain, I was still wet and extremely cold but at least I wasn't outside anymore...

you should've just left me there (kiibouma)Where stories live. Discover now