CHAPTER 7 - Solid Silva

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Nozel was looking for you to announce your first mission but he couldn't find you anywhere. He went to find you in your room and you were still asleep.

'For God's sake woman, it's past lunch' he thought as he gently shook you awake. You were such a heavy sleeper that he had to spend a few minutes just to wake up.

"Stop it..." You groggily said while hugging the pillow next to you.

"Wake up, you're the one who told me that you hated to waste your time" he sighed, trying to calm his nerves. For an icy captain, he sure does get mad often.

"Sleep is never a waste of time. Maybe you should sleep with me" you said, not realizing that it sounded very wrong. Nozel was baffled at your suggestion even though he knew that you didn't mean it like that.

He sighed louder and decided to not go against you, "Alright, stay in bed but listen to what I have to say first" . You hummed in agreement as he spoke again.

"You're going on a mission tomorrow. You'll be guarding a nearby town who's constantly getting attacked. The Wizard King specifically tasked you this so that you can sing for them to ease the people" He explained.

"Mhmm, that's great..." You replied while getting comfortable to sleep again. Nozel saw your sleeping figure and felt the exhaustion he was trying to ignore.

'She did offer me to sleep' he thought while he climb into your bed. You felt shuffling and opened one of your eyes to take a peak on what was happening. You saw a familiar Silver hair as you smiled.

'He finally gave in to his exhaustion, it's evident on his eyes' you thought while having your plan succeed into making him rest.

You scooted closer to the man you can call as your fiancé and got in a comfortable position once again. You hummed a little tune to make him drift into a long peaceful sleep.

Once you knew that he wouldn't be waking up soon, you quickly travelled into his office and did his work. You studied how he does things and you were quick learner so this is easy.

"I hope you appreciate this" you whispered while continuing to sign and separate the papers. You heard the knock from the door as it opened.

"Oh, good day Solid" you greeted as he looked around for his older brother. "Pardon me Lady (Y/n) but have you seen  the captain?" He asked .

"He's asleep" you replied.

"Asleep? He rarely sleeps on the day since he always do duties first" He whispered to himself as you smiled from hearing those words.

"He's exhausted so I made him rest" you smiled. "Is there anything I could do for you instead?" You asked the younger Silva.

"No, I don't think you can help me" he said insensitively as you finished the last paper. "How would you know if you haven't even told me what it is?" You asked him with a smile as he looked at the side.

"I need to train and I would like my brother's advice on my training" he said truthfully. He was bit uncomfortable with you and he surely did dislike you because since the day you've arrived, Nozel has been acting unusual.

"I could help in that, I specialize in support" you said while standing up. Solid wanted to refuse but since you were his brother's fiancée, he couldn't do anything but agree.

"Besides, I need to train aswell" you smiled. Both of you went to a clearing and you spoke, "Try to get on your fighting stance" .

He did as told and you can see how out balanced and wrong his posture is. He casted a spell and let go of it as you observed.

"You've got a great power and mana although you lack in your form" you said as you went near him. You corrected his posture first and then pointed out that he puts too much weight on the foot in front of him.

"Now fight me" you smiled as he was surprised at your sudden command. He knows that you're born into a strong clan but the way you interact and the way you looked seemed more of a academic smart person rather than a knight.

"I'll go first if you won't attack and know that.... You should never underestimate your opponents" you said as you quickly ran towards him in a inhumane speed. He got baffled and fired a spell in the fighting position you taught him.

He was amazed at how strong his spell has become. "So you noticed? The stance makes your body move freely and your magic won't get restrained" you said while dodging them.

"Siren Magic: Voice of the Water" you whispered. This was one of the spells you can partially control . You stole the water magic Solid has and skilfully attacked him.

Solid got agitated but he smirked, he was starting to like you, combat wise. You proved that you're worthy on becoming a Silva and you won't be a disgrace.

Meanwhile, Nozel woke up from your bed and immediately look at the sun's direction. From it's position, you can tell that he was asleep for too long. He immediately went to his office to see the papers he left neatly stacked up into a pile.

He noticed a note that said "I hope you didn't mind me doing your work, you seemed very tired so I did them for you! Love, (Y/n)"

He didn't notice but a small smile made it into his lips. He went to look for you again to say a proper thankyou but when he did, he saw you with his younger brother.

He saw Solid having fun even though both of you were training. "You sure know how to make a Silva like you, don't you (Y/n)?" He asked no one in particular.

He was contented that his siblings are taking a liking towards you, you are afterall a future Silva. Hopefully it stays that way but a voice inside him tells him that he's just convincing himself.

"Do I really want you to be a Silva? More importantly, do you want yo be a Silva?" He asked you in the distance even though he knew that you wouldn't respond.

You on the otherhand noticed a very familiar mana and looked at Nozel's direction. You waved your hand at the air and smiled like a dork.

"Nozel!!! I take it you slept well?" You asked as the stone hearted man nodded.

"Thankyou for your gestures , I appreciate them" he said as you smiled brightly. Solid looked at your interactions and he was sure that Nozel eased up with your presence.

"Nozel, come on, train with us" you said happily as he shooked his head and flicked your forehead.

"You look like you've ran from the other kingdom to here" he said as you blinked your eyes at his remarks.

"That's no a way to talk to a lady" you scolded him .

"Pardon, I forgot you are one" he said as you crossed your arms.

"What's this? You aren't even married but you fight like an old married couple" Solid boldly teased as you looked at him and laughed.

"Perhaps but I doubt that" you said bitterly and turned around and faced the sky. The two Silva's looked at you as they tried to figure out what you meant.

𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒘 {Nozel x reader}Where stories live. Discover now